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Fire & Water - Cleanup & Restoration

Archived Blog Posts

How to Rebuild Your Life After the Fire

4/5/2022 (Permalink)

How to Rebuild Your Life After the Fire Has your Dallas home been damaged by fire? If so, contact SERVPRO of Dallas Love today.

Housefires can be horrible nightmares with devastating effects most homeowners never want to experience. A house fire not only destroys the property but also results in losing precious sentimental personal items and valuable possessions. And unfortunately, fires also leave lasting emotional, mental, and physical scars that can severely impact the lives of anyone caught up in it. 

After a devastating fire, rebuilding your life will take more than just nails and wood or bricks and mortar. You have to recover emotionally and psychologically through:

  • Allowing yourself to experience both negative and positive emotions.
  • Maintaining physical health through exercise and nutrition.  
  • Encouraging your children to talk about their emotions. 
  • Getting back to a regular routine.
  • Look for a support group or counselor.

Steps to Rebuilding Your Life

After a house fire, you might be wondering where to start. But before you can start picking up the pieces, there are a few vital things to do. In many cases, the first step will be finding a safe place to stay for a few nights. Then starts the arduous process of rebuilding your life after a house fire. 

Here are some steps you should take after a fire in your home. 

Contact Your Insurance Agent

The first step in rebuilding your life after a fire is to contact your insurance company. Your insurance company has contacts for local companies that specialize in fire damage restoration. For example, Dallas fire damage restoration companies have expertise in cleaning and restoring personal items. 

However, suppose you don’t have insurance. In that case, you can reach out to local organizations like the American Red Cross, Salvation Army, or other charitable groups willing to assist. 

Steps to Assess Fire Damage

After getting emergency accommodation for the initial period after the fire, the next step is to assess damage to your home. For this, you will need to call professionals who have experience in fire damage restoration. So what does it take to restore a house after a fire has ravaged it? 

1. Structural Damage Assessment

Dallas Restoration technicians will assess the extent of structural damage due to fire. Usually, it’s crucial to seal the property to prevent additional damage from rain or the wind. Also, the building is secured by boarding up broken windows, missing doors, and holes in ceilings.

2. Structural Drying

The next step is to dry the building. Technicians use specialized equipment to remove excess moisture from porous surfaces using heaters and dehumidifiers. This is an essential step that prevents further water damage and mold growth. 

3. Demolition and Debris Removal

Unfortunately, it’s not possible after many fires to salvage everything. Therefore, it may be necessary to remove soot and smoke-damaged items and sometimes destroy them. In larger fires, all personal belongings are packed and removed to mitigate further damage and recontamination. 

4. Smoke Damage and Soot Removal

The elimination of smoke and soot damage is next on the list. Professional fire damage restorers will thoroughly clean and scrub surfaces to remove the effects of fire damage. 

5. Repairs and Restoration

After the extensive cleanup, it’s necessary to repair and restore your home to its former glory. This may take a few weeks or many months, depending on the damage. However, you can be sure that every effort is made to restore your home. 


Has your Dallas home been damaged by fire? If so, contact SERVPRO of Dallas Love to find out about fire damage restoration. We are the region’s fire restoration experts with years of experience in fire restoration and damage repair

Call us at (214) 272-7600 for 24-hour assistance. 

5 Causes of Commercial Fires

4/5/2022 (Permalink)

Commercial fires pose severe risks to assets, property, and human life. In most cases, commercial fires can be easily prevented by installing fire safety systems. However, even with the best state-of-the-art fire alarm and sprinkler systems and robust fire prevention protocols, fire accidents in commercial buildings can happen. 

Knowing the causes of commercial fires is the first step in avoiding them. As a responsible business owner, it’s crucial to protect your assets, staff, and belongings from the risk of fire. Please read on to learn how to reduce the first risk in your building. 

Common Causes of Commercial Fires

1. Cooking and Heating Appliances

Businesses that serve food or have kitchen areas are at risk of commercial fires. Flammable oils, electrical equipment, and high temperatures contribute to cooking fires. Faulty heating equipment during the winter months can also lead to fires. 

It is vital — and often a legal requirement — to inspect heating systems regularly to prevent malfunction or overheating of components. 

In addition, individuals operating cooking equipment should have adequate fire prevention training and know how to use safety equipment. And sprinkler systems should be in place to prevent further fire spread.

2. Electrical and Lighting Malfunction

Buildings with improper, overloaded, and defective wiring systems are prone to power surges that result in catastrophic commercial building fires. In addition, employing unskilled building contractors violates electrical codes, putting your assets at risk. Other commercial fire causes include old equipment, wiring faults, and overloaded circuits.

To prevent electrical fires, ensure that all electrical and lighting installations meet safety standards. 

3. HVAC System Malfunction

Heating, ventilation, and air conditioning are vital to control the temperature, humidity, and air quality of commercial premises. Industrial fires occur when the HVAC system fails, is overloaded, or short circuits. In addition, flammable materials near heat sources can easily catch fire.

Many states have legal requirements to fit rooms and hallways with smoke alarms. Additionally, it’s crucial to regularly inspect heating systems before winter when they are heavily used. Finally, flammable materials should be securely stored and away from heat sources. 

4. Arson or Intentional FIres

Unfortunately, arsonists, vandals, criminals, or hooligans cause some nonresidential building fires. Having adequate fire security systems in place can help reduce the potential devastation an intentional fire can cause. 

In addition, installing security systems with motion detection cameras in dark and rarely used areas can help to prevent criminals from starting a fire. 

5. Unintentional Fires caused by Human Error

Commercial fires caused by human error are hard to predict and avoid. Accidentally leaving room heaters close to flammable objects and overloading power sockets can trigger fires. Therefore, it’s crucial to educate staff on the importance of fire prevention. 

Call SERVPRO of Dallas Love for Help

Has your commercial building in Dallas been damaged by fire? If so, call SERVPRO of Dallas Love at (214) 272-7600 to learn about our cost-effective and efficient Dallas fire damage restoration services. 

With over 20 years of fire protection experience, you can trust us to deliver the best customer service to restore fire-damaged buildings. 

Can Old Water Damage Rot Your Floors?

4/5/2022 (Permalink)

Can Old Water Damage Rot Your Floors? Our team of experts at SERVPRO of Dallas Love can diagnose the problem and offer the best guidance and recommendations on repairing the damagE.

Old water damage is a nightmare for any property owner because it can rot floors. Therefore, it’s vital to address property-related water damage concerns immediately when they arise. 

For example, prolonged leaks or condensation can cause water damage in floors or floor joists. Water seeping into joists or hardwood floors can cause potential structural damage. 

Identifying water damage on floors is a crucial step when buying a house. This article will identify old water damage indicators and how to rectify any rotted floors caused by a water leak. 

How to Identify Old Water Damage on Floors

It is essential to check your floors if you have experienced a flood, leaks, or water-related incident in your home. In addition, you should pay careful attention to look for tell-tale signs of old water damage. Spotting water damage early makes it easier to repair, minimizing the extent of wood rot, deterioration, and expensive repairs.

Here are some common signs of old water damage usually found on all kinds of vinyl, hardwood, wood, or laminate floors. 

1. Odor 

Mildew and mold issues cause funky odors in homes and are a sure sign of hidden water damage on your floor. This is because the growth of mold in wood floors and carpets tend to make them smell musty.

2. Discoloration on water-damaged floors

Do you notice yellow, black, or gray color patches on a hardwood, carpeted, or linoleum floor? If that’s so, it may be the result of old water damage. There is also a possibility that the damage has gone further. 

3. Cupping and uneven floors

When porous floors absorb water, they cause the wood to expand and warp. This can result in plank edges curling upwards or bulges in floorboards. 

4. Mold growth 

Mold thrives in damp conditions, and patches of mold on a floor are an indication of old water damage. It’s vital to call in mold and water damage restoration specialists to ensure a thorough cleanup. 

5. Cracked or warped tile 

On a tiled floor, a sign of water damage is loose or broken tiles. Floors warp, crack, or split as water seeps in, causing water damage and floor rot. Some signs like wet flooring are not easy to identify, especially in the corner of the room or areas of your house. 

Causes And Effects of Old Water Damage

Water damage can result from leaking roofs, blocked gutters, and burst pipes. In addition, poorly ventilated homes with high humidity levels and seldom maintained are vulnerable to water damage, leading to floors rotting, especially in basements and crawl spaces.

Other causes are condensation, malfunctioning sprinkler systems, leaking pipes, washing machine water supply leak, condensation from the AC, blocked drains, and bad weather. Besides causing the floor to rot, old water damage can cause mold issues, damage to personal belongings, devaluing the property, and possibly causing electrical damage. 

Hire a Professional Restoration Company

If you notice old water damage in your Dallas home, contact Dallas water damage restoration services — professionals in old water damage remediation. Our team of experts at SERVPRO of Dallas Love can diagnose the problem and offer the best guidance and recommendations on repairing the damage to prevent any further floor damage to your home and bank account. 

Call us at (214) 272-7600 for 24-hour assistance. 

Heating Safety Tips Everyone Should Know

4/5/2022 (Permalink)

Heating Safety Tips Everyone Should Know Our team of experts is trained to clean up and restore fire-damaged properties.

Faulty heating equipment is the second leading cause of home fires. Unfortunately, during winter, residential homes record the most cases of deaths. In most cases, using heating equipment safely will help keep you warm, protect your home, and prevent accidents and fires. Therefore, everyone should know the best heating safety tips to keep everyone safe.

Fires are rarely the result of an accident. They typically result from defective equipment or negligence. Of course, some fires result from natural calamities like lightning strikes. 

What can you do to keep yourself warm without risking your health or increasing the risk of a fire? Here are tips for heating your home safely.

General Heating Safety Tips

While electric heating is safer, cleaner, and more efficient than gas heating, it still carries risks. Electric heaters are high-wattage equipment with the potential of igniting nearby combustible materials. 

For example, a hot radiator beside curtains, paper, clothing, or other flammable fabric could get so hot that the material goes up in flames. 

Heating safety tips for electric and portable heating appliances: 

  1. Never leave an electrical heater switched on and unattended. Children should not be left alone with heaters or allowed to play with the plug and cord.
  2. Do not use power strips or extension cords when heating the home with a portable electric heater. 
  3. Place flammable objects at least three feet away from heating appliances.
  4. Ensure heating safety by placing the heater on the floor to reduce the risk of falling or tipping over, which could start a fire. Place the heater on a flat, even, and uncovered floor. 
  5. Only plug one heating appliance like a portable radiator or space heater into an electrical outlet at a time. This prevents overloading the circuits or creating extra resistance that builds up heat, causing fires. 
  6. Place the heater away from water to avoid electric shock. Electricity and water are never a good combination. 

Heating safety tips for using heating appliances powered by combustible materials:

  1. If you smell gas or suspect a gas leakage in your home, do not light any appliance or switch on a light. Instead, leave your home immediately and call your local fire department or gas company.
  2. Make sure that your fireplace has a sturdy screen to stop sparks flying into the room.
  3. Fire ash should always be cool before putting it into any kind of covered metal container.
  4. Never put hot ash into a plastic container.
  5. Keep fireplace ash containers at a safe distance away from your home. 
  6. Always store flammable liquids in appropriate storage containers and a safe, secure place outside your home.
  7. Never fill a heater with kerosene or oil in your house. A fuel spill can be dangerous. 
  8. Always keep rooms ventilated to avoid a buildup of carbon monoxide. Carbon monoxide can cause severe respiratory health concerns. It’s also a good idea to install carbon monoxide detectors if you heat your home with a gas furnace.

Call SERVPRO of Dallas Love

Call SERVPRO at (214) 272-7600 to learn about our comprehensive Dallas fire damage restoration services. Our team of experts is trained to clean up and restore fire-damaged properties. 

How Can SERVPRO Help You After Fire Damage

4/5/2022 (Permalink)

How Can SERVPRO Help You After Fire Damage At SERVPRO of Dallas Love, we care about your family. Our trusted and efficient Dallas fire damage restoration services can help you.

We all know how destructive fire can be. Unfortunately, fire can ravage a property, destroying everything in its wake. But after the flames go out and the fire department leaves, the true extent of the fire damage becomes apparent. As a result, a major cleanup is necessary to mitigate fire and water damage to a property. 

At SERVPRO of Dallas Love, we care about your family. Our trusted and efficient Dallas fire damage restoration services can help you get back on your feet ASAP. We also have the expertise to get your home back to its former glory. 

What can you expect if you call SERVPRO to help you after fire damage? Please read on to find out.

Types of Fire Damage

Fire damage extends beyond burning items. After a fire, the roof, walls, and house structure are probably weakened. However, even if the fire hasn’t damaged the structure, the chances are that other types of fire damage can affect your home. 

SERVPRO can assess the building’s structure and recommend the necessary structural repairs. Here are two additional types of fire damage that SERVPRO can restore: 

  • Smoke and ash — Ash and smoke increase the level of fire damage because they corrode all sorts of materials. Also, unremoved smoke odors tend to stay in rooms for a long time after fire damage, causing respiratory problems and a foul stench that reminds you of the fire.
  • Soot — Soot reduces indoor air quality, posing a severe health concern. In addition, it tarnishes metals and kitchen appliances, quickly leaving them discolored.  

Steps SERVPRO Takes to Help You After a Fire 

Since no two fires are the same, our restoration process varies from one home to the next. Therefore, SERVPRO’s team of experts must assess all damage before creating an action plan. 

The fire damage restoration steps undertaken include:

Fire Odor Removal and Deodorization

SERVPRO restoration uses various techniques to remove and repair the fire, soot, smoke, and water damage. By using special equipment, we can eliminate smoke odors. Our deodorization equipment and technology can get into crevices and eliminate odors at the source. 

Structural Fire Cleaning Services

Our professional cleaning services get rid of dirt and unsalvageable properties. Then our restoration experts work at removing smoke and soot from soft furnishings, carpets, drapes, building interiors, and other fabrics.

Microbial Decontamination of Fire Damaged Houses

SERVPRO dries, cleans, and sanitizes your crawl spaces and heating, ventilation, air conditioning systems to decontaminate your home. Fire damage restoration requires more skill than a regular house cleaner can provide. In addition, our team cleans, deodorizes, refinishes, and restores hard furnishings. 

Post Fire Damage Structural Repair and Restoration

The final step in restoring the property is performing any necessary fire damage repairs or rebuilding fire-damaged areas. After inspection, unsalvageable structures must be removed and replaced. This may entail reconstructing the roof and ceiling, replacing electrical systems, renewing flooring materials, and repainting walls.

We’re Here to Help 24/7

Our Dallas fire damage restoration services have already helped hundreds of Dallas residents. Our fire damage restoration experts are available 24/7 to repair and restore your house after a fire accident. 

Call SERVPRO today for a free, no-obligation quote to restore your home after a devastating fire at (214) 272-7600.

How to Get Rid of Odors in Commercial Buildings

4/5/2022 (Permalink)

How to Get Rid of Odors in Commercial Buildings However, depending on the type of odor and source, you may need to call in a specialized team to eliminate odor for good.

Odor in a commercial building can occur for several reasons. The common causes of odor include faulty plumbing systems, stale air from poor ventilation, and mold growth. Getting rid of odors in non-residential buildings requires addressing the source of the stench. 

Is there a lingering stench in your building that you can’t get rid of? If so, please continue reading to learn how to get rid of the toughest odor smells from your commercial building. 

How to Remove Odor in Commercial Buildings

Before getting rid of odor in a commercial building, you should identify and eliminate the underlying cause. It’s vital to tackle the odor using various techniques and equipment, depending on the source and type of the odor. 

1. Provide adequate ventilation indoors.

Increasing indoor ventilation indoors can improve the air quality and reduce nasty smells. Unfortunately, airborne contaminants may increase if there is insufficient outdoor air to dilute them. 

You can increase indoor ventilation by using fans, opening windows and doors, or the HVAC system. The goal is to increase the free flow of air in the room and improve indoor air quality.

2. Clean your office regularly

Cleaning is the most effective method to remove bad smells from buildings. This means regularly vacuuming carpets, emptying the trash, keeping drainage lines free of gunge, and washing hard floors. 

Occasionally sprinkling baking soda on carpets, leaving for a while, then vacuuming can help freshen up a musty office.

3. Clean food preparation areas

It is easy to forget to clean food preparation areas in commercial buildings. For example, in communal areas, break rooms, or canteens, a buildup of grease and cooking odors can linger for days. So, ensure that someone is responsible for cleaning the refrigerator, microwave, or stove. 

It may be necessary to regularly clean drapes or soft upholstery as these items can absorb strong smells. 

4. Limit toxic cleaning products or practices that cause odor problems.

Although it sounds paradoxical, some cleaning products can leave behind a strong odor that can cause sensitivity issues with some people. So, it’s best to use fewer toxic cleaning products and more natural and unscented cleaning supplies instead. 

5. Eliminate sink and restroom odor

Dirty restrooms and clogged sinks can harbor disgusting smells. Therefore, have a regular cleaning schedule and ensure that drainage lines are clear. In addition, it’s a good idea to use a professional drain cleaner to remove a buildup of slime from pipes.

Importance of Getting Rid of Odor in Commercial Buildings 

Easy-to-use odor removal products help boost employee morale and productivity by eliminating irritating odors. Besides being easy, these odor removal techniques are affordable and environmentally friendly. 

How Long Does Odor Removal Take? 

If you identify and eliminate the source, it shouldn’t take too long to get rid of the foul odor. With adequate ventilation, the smell should disappear fast. However, depending on the type of odor and source, you may need to call in a specialized team to eliminate odor for good. 

Call SERVPRO of Dallas Love

Do you notice an odor in a commercial building that doesn’t disappear? In that case, call a professional team to assess the problem and develop an action plan to eliminate the odor problem. For example, mold is a common and hazardous odor that is difficult to remove. 

Call SERVPRO of Dallas Love at (214) 272-7600 to learn about our Dallas mold remediation program. We can remove all kinds of smells and leave the air in your office clean and pure.

How to Prevent Home Cooking Fires

4/5/2022 (Permalink)

How to Prevent Home Cooking Fires Our services include emergency pre-cleaning, content and property cleaning, restoration, repair, and deodorization.

Cooking is a valuable skill in households since it allows people to prepare meals for their families and friends. However, cooking can also be a hazardous activity if you are not careful. The use of hot oils, heat, flames, and temperature can lead to home cooking fires accidents. And, nobody wants a home cooking fire while preparing a meal. 

Therefore, it is essential to practice kitchen safety to prevent house fires and other incidents by following cooking safety tips.

Never Use Damaged Electrical Appliances and Equipment

Damaged or faulty equipment can often cause home cooking fires or electrical fires. Therefore, it’s vital to inspect all equipment and appliances and ensure that they are in good operating condition before using them. 

Look at the wires, plugs, and cords of your electronic equipment and kitchen appliances. In case you notice signs of damage, never use them because these faults could cause a fire. Instead, call a professional who will repair or replace the damaged equipment. 

Monitor Your Cooking

Keeping your eye on what’s cooking on the stove or oven is one way to limit the potential for a fire disaster. A major cause of kitchen fires is unattended food on the stove. Therefore, never leave the kitchen while food is cooking on the burner or using the deep fryer. 

For example, hot cooking oil can quickly ignite and cause a grease fire. Or parchment paper in the oven can catch fire if the cooking temperature is too hot. Monitoring your cooking also makes your meals tastier because you avoid burning food. 

Wear Appropriate Cooking Attire

While cooking, being comfortable is essential, but you still need to be thoughtful about your clothing. For example, it’s not a good idea to wear loose clothing, dangling accessories, and long hair while cooking. They can easily catch fire while cooking. Instead, ensure you wear fitted clothes, avoid wearing loose accessories, and tie your hair back if it is long. 

Keep Flammable Objects Away from Heat

Store and place flammable items in your kitchen away from heat. For example, store your potholders, food wrappers, dish towels, and oven mitts at a safe distance away from the stove or gas burner. Exposing these objects to flames or extremely hot surfaces can result in a devastating cooking fire.

It’s also good to keep cooking appliances clean to avoid a grease buildup on burners, stovetops, and ovens. 

It is essential to keep your household safe and prevent cooking fires at all costs. A few simple precautions can help prevent a cooking fire, which is much easier than dealing with the consequences of property damage. By following the above tips, you will minimize the risk of a fire in the kitchen, enjoy cooking, and cook tasty meals.

Seek Help From a Professional Fire Restoration Company

When something catches fire on the stove, acting fast is crucial. For example, using a suitable fire extinguisher can prevent a small cooking fire from spreading. Or covering the flames with a fire blanket can put them out quickly before doing too much damage.

Suppose the fire is too much and it spreads. In that case, it’s vital to evacuate your house immediately and call your local fire department. 

Once the fire is extinguished, call Dallas fire damage restoration professionals for help right away at (214) 272-7600. 

Our services include emergency pre-cleaning, content and property cleaning, restoration, repair, and deodorization.

How to Prevent Water Damage from Dishwashers

4/5/2022 (Permalink)

How to Prevent Water Damage from Dishwashers At SERVPRO of Dallas Love, we’ve been helping homeowners resolve all sorts of water damage and mold problems.

A dishwasher is one of the most useful appliances in your home. It saves time and keeps your dishes clean. But did you know a dishwasher has the potential for causing water damage to your home? 

The damage from a dishwasher could be from a burst pipe, causing your kitchen to flood. Or there could be a small leak that goes unnoticed. And before you know it, there is mold growth in your kitchen. 

How can you prevent a dishwasher from causing expensive water damage in your home? Here are seven helpful tips. 

How to Prevent Dishwasher Flooding

It’s vital to promptly address any leaks from a dishwasher. Minor issues can quickly become major problems if they go unnoticed and unattended for an extended period. The resulting damage can destroy ceilings, flooring, walls creating structural damage increasing the risks for mold growth and infestation.

Here are the top tips on preventing a flood from your dishwasher.

1. Read your dishwasher manual.

This might include the best loading instructions, soap types, and cleaning maintenance. These recommendations can prevent your dishwasher from causing water damage to your house.

2. Regularly check the float switch. 

Since a float switch indicates the water level inside the dishwasher, it should be checked regularly. The float switch shuts down the flow when the water reaches the appropriate level. If the float switch is faulty, it can cause the dishwasher to overflow, causing extensive water damage.

3. Check for clogs.

Keeping the kitchen and drain pipe clear and free from blockages is essential. For example, a blocked drain hose can burst, causing dishwasher water damage to your home. Therefore, it’s good practice to inspect the pipes regularly for signs of leakage. In addition, ensure the waste disposal is in proper operational condition.

4. Follow the manufacturer’s guidance on dishwasher maintenance. 

This will keep it functioning correctly, minimizing the chance of a leak. Check the rubber seals and unclog nozzles that might cause leakage from a dishwasher.

5. Install the proper equipment and parts for the dishwasher. 

If you replace the drain hoses during your routine maintenance checks, ensure that you purchase the correct type of hose and size. Preferably, use recommended replacement parts, not cheap imports, because they will last longer. 

6. Check the plumbing. 

Check your dishwasher after six months to ensure your plumbing is in good condition. 

Dishwashers have two main water lines — one heading to the drain and another supplying water. A regular inspection of the supply line, drainage, drain pump, and the water inlet valve will ensure no hidden leaks causing unnoticeable water damage. 

7. Operate your dishwasher when someone’s home. 

Dishwashers give a warning sign there is excess water and a risk of flooding. Unattended dishwashers may put you in for a big shock when you find the home flooding causing severe water damage. Dishwashers should run when someone is at home before much damage occurs.

Does Your Dishwasher Leak and Cause Water Damage?

Have you noticed signs of water damage from a dishwasher or another household appliance? If so, it’s vital to call a local water damage restoration company to assess and mitigate the damage. 

At SERVPRO of Dallas Love, we’ve been helping homeowners resolve all sorts of water damage and mold problems. 

Call us today at (214) 272-7600 to find out about our Dallas water damage restoration services. Our team of experienced water damage restoration professionals can help with maintenance, repairing, and restoring your home.

How Do I Know If Water Damage Is Fresh or Old?

4/5/2022 (Permalink)

Water damage is bad for anyone living in the building. Water damage not only causes unsightly water stains, swollen wood, and destroys drywall, but it also causes a nasty, musty odor and mold growth. That’s why it’s essential to know if water damage is fresh or old. 

Maybe you are thinking about buying a house, and you notice signs of water damage. Or you’ve discovered unnoticed water damage in a crawl space, basement, or attic. In that case, it’s crucial to know if the damage is fresh or old. This is because the age of water damage can impact the cost of repairs. 

Leaks or prolonged condensation over a period of time cause water-damaged spots. Unchecked water leaks can cause walls or ceilings to sag or bulge and result in structural damage and mold growth. Therefore, it is crucial to inspect and take mitigation steps to repair water damage.

This article features some ways to help you identify the age of water damage.

How to Determine the Extent of Water Damage

Here are a few tell-tale signs to help determine the extent of water damage and how long it’s been there. 

1. Number of rings

Soft materials like drywall and wooden floors develop rings when they experience water damage over an extended period. This is because water soaks into these materials, resulting in discoloration that dries, leaving a stain behind. 

How can you tell if water damage is new or old? Just like a tree — the more rings, the older the water damage is.

2. Touch the affected area

Areas with old water damage will feel soft but not necessarily damp. For example, suppose a wooden floor or drywall has experienced recent water damage. In that case, it will feel moist but still relatively firm. However, If the patch is dry but soft and deteriorating, it’s probably old water damage. 

3. Signs of visible mold growth

Mold usually doesn’t happen overnight. Mold growth creeps up at least a few days after water damage. The presence of mold spores and black mold growth clearly indicates that the water damage spots are at least a few days old. However, it could be much older. The presence of mold growth in cold areas indicates high water damage. 

Water Damage Restoration Process

If you notice any signs of water damage, it’s vital to act quickly. Over time, water can impact your home’s structure. However, it also causes unsightly patches and mold growth that need resolving urgently. 

How can you mitigate the effects of new or old water damage? 

Water extraction

The first step is to remove excess water from your house to prevent more damage to your structure. This also reduces the chances of mold growth. 

Drying and dehumidification

Mold multiplies in humid conditions, so it is crucial to remove excess water. Implementing a drying and dehumidification process removes moisture from the air and structure. This is the best way to prevent mold growth and restore water damage. 

Cleaning and disinfecting

Floods and burst sewage pipes cause contaminants to enter your home. And these substances can expose you and your family to serious health risks. Water damage specialists have the equipment and technology to sanitize surfaces and disinfect affected areas.

Reconstruction and repairs

After performing water extraction, drying, and dehumidification, the reconstruction and repairs stage begins. The reconstruction team aims to bring your home or commercial building to a preloss state. 

Call for Help ASAP

SERVPRO has been helping residents in Dallas for years to mitigate the problems caused by new or old water damage. 

Call us today at (214) 272-7600 to learn about our Dallas water damage remediation services. Our staff is fully trained and experienced in emergency fire damage restoration for your business and home. 

Is Your Smoke Detector System Updated?

4/5/2022 (Permalink)

Is Your Smoke Detector System Updated? Like most appliances, smoke detectors become old and need updating.

Smoke detectors save lives. A smoke detection system is crucial for keeping your family and home safe by warning you of a fire. A working smoke detector is especially vital when someone is sleeping. 

Unfortunately, breathing in poisonous gases like carbon monoxide and smoke causes more deaths than actual fires. In less than three minutes, a small fire can spread quickly, causing everything in a room to catch fire.

Like most appliances, smoke detectors become old and need updating. However, because this small device is inexpensive and can save your life, it’s worth ensuring that you have an updated smoke detector. 

However, the problem is that it’s easy to forget about this unobtrusive device. The last thing you want is for the smoke detector to fail when you need it the most. 

This article examines ways to know if your smoke detector system needs updating. 

How to Know if Your Smoke Detector System Needs Updating

There are two ways to know if you need to invest in a new smoke detection system. The first is age, and the second is signs of malfunction. Of course, it’s vital to regularly check the smoke detection system and replace batteries every year. 

Old smoke detectors need to be updated

You need to update your smoke detector system if it’s more than ten years old. This is because smoke detectors contain finely tuned parts. However, the delicate system in them deteriorates with age. 

Even though it may still work, an old smoke detector is prone to malfunction. For example, it could become less sensitive to smoke and may only sound the alarm when it’s too late. 

There is another reason to replace smoke detectors every ten years. Technology changes, and the chances are that modern, updated smoke detectors are superior to the old ones on your ceiling. 

So, ensure that changing smoke detectors every ten years is part of your home maintenance. 

The smoke detector sounds the alarm for no reason

Of course, a smoke detector that goes too often is better than not working at all. However, nuisance alarms from a smoke detector could be a sure sign it needs updating. But before you rush out to buy a new one, there are a few reasons it may be going off for no reason. Here are a few:

  • Dust — Regular cleaning can keep the smoke alarm free from dust because the tiny particles could be causing a false alarm. 
  • Connections — Check if the smoke alarm batteries need replacing. If you have a hard-wired smoke detector, ensure that the wiring is intact. Many sensors will sound the alarm if there’s no connection. 
  • Steam or smoke from the kitchen — Install smoke detectors at a reasonable distance from the kitchen. This will help to avoid false alarms from boiling water or burned food. 

To ensure your safety, you need dependable smoke detectors that you can count on. Remember that your smoke detection system needs replacing every ten years. 

What if You’ve Experienced a Fire at Your Home? 

In that case, you need our Dallas fire damage restoration services. SERVPRO can mitigate the damaging effects of fire. This includes drying out your home, removing all traces of soot and smoke damage, and repairing our home to its pre-fire state. 

We can also assess your smoke detection system. Call us at (214) 272-7600 anytime, day or night for help ASAP. 

Protect Your Home from the Most Common Fire Hazards

4/5/2022 (Permalink)

Protect Your Home from the Most Common Fire Hazards Our fire restoration professionals know how to remove the effects of fire damage, clean up water damage, prevent mold, and clean smoke and soot stains

Home fire hazards escalate from a single flame to spreading throughout a room and home within a short time. While fire hazards are preventable, they occur commonly in homes because of carelessness and negligence. In addition, fire hazards cause devastating aftermath effects — property destruction and death. 

Here are some tips to prevent fire hazards and protect your home, business, and family.

Regularly Test Your Smoke Detectors

Smoke detectors act as the first line of defense from fire because of the early warning sign they give. These can be battery-operated or hardwired and will detect the faintest amount of smoke. There are also smart alarms to send alerts to your mobile device.

It is essential to conduct routine smoke detector checks every six months by pressing your smoke detector button. Weak beeps indicate that it’s necessary to change the batteries. 

Be Careful When Cooking 

The kitchen is where most fire hazards are located. To protect yourself and your family from fire, minimize the dangers by not leaving food cooking on the stove unattended and keeping fabric items away from burners. Always be especially careful when using a deep fryer. 

If you must leave the kitchen, turn off the oven and stop cooking. If there is somebody around, request them to watch over the food until you return.

It’s also a good idea to keep the stove and oven clean to prevent a buildup of grease, which could potentially catch fire if it gets too hot.

Check Your Dryer’s Airflow

Clogged filters or vents in a dryer can cause a devastating fire hazard. You can eliminate fire hazards in the laundry room by cleaning potentially flammable lint from the filters. Also, ensure that nothing gets stuck in the dryer because it can quickly overheat and catch fire. 

Pay Attention to Cords

Electrical fires are another common reason for a house going up in flames. To reduce electrical hazards, always avoid overloading a circuit or plugging too many gadgets into an extension cord. Additionally, never operate any device that has frayed, chewed, or exposed cords. 

But suppose you notice lights flickering for no reason, or they dim when you switch on an electric kettle. In this case, you should call an electrician to check your home’s wiring. 

Store Flammable Products Safely

Every day flammable items in the house like perfume, aerosol cans, hand sanitizer, and alcohol easily combust when placed near heat sources. Keep these products away from high heat sources like hot radiators and furnaces.

Be Cautious When Handling Candles

Candles must be used with care to avoid fire damage. Therefore, never leave a candle unattended. If you need to leave the room, extinguish the candle first. That is much easier than extinguishing a house fire because the candle tipped over. 

Call us 24/7

SERVPRO has a team of experts in Dallas fire damage restoration. If your home has suffered any type of fire damage, call our team today at (214) 272-7600. Our fire restoration professionals know how to remove the effects of fire damage, clean up water damage, prevent mold, and clean smoke and soot stains.

SERVPRO Professionals Speed Up The Drying Process After Water Damage

4/5/2022 (Permalink)

A broken pipe, flood, or natural disaster can cause detrimental water damage to your residential or non-residential property. Water damage can make homes and commercial buildings uninhabitable and destroy your personal belongings. 

As soon as water has damaged your property, it’s crucial to call a water damage restoration professional. These professionals used specialized techniques to eliminate excess water and dry the building to prevent mold growth. The complete restoration process will restore your house to its preloss conditions

Let us look at how SERVPRO will efficiently and effectively dry your water-damaged home or commercial building.

1. Water Removal: The Water Extraction Phase

The first step is to extract all water from the building. This process is vital because it speeds up the drying time and reduces the chances of mold growth. In addition, specialized equipment can remove a tremendous amount of water from porous surfaces. 

It’s vital to extract as much water as possible before the next state – water evaporation. 

2. Airflow: The Evaporation Phase

Professional water damage restoration experts like SERVPRO use high-velocity air movers to accelerate evaporation. This helps to dry out walls, subfloors, and wood framing before bacteria and fungal growth starts. 

3. Dehumidification: The Balanced Evaporation Phase

Critical after the evaporation phase is to use powerful dehumidifiers to minimize air moisture. Evaporation causes high moisture levels in the air. Therefore, it’s necessary to remove those as fast as possible. Heavy-duty dehumidifiers will significantly speed up the drying process even if you live in a relatively dry climate. 

4. Temperature Control: The Temperature Maintenance Phase

For the first 48 hours of drying, warm air of about 70°F to 90°F is ideal for drying the building fast. Cool air slows evaporation, delaying the drying process. But remember that hot air can increase humidity. Therefore, it is crucial to monitor temperature and dehumidification continually to ensure a speedy recovery. 

How Long is the Drying Process?

The severity of the water damage affects the length of the drying process. For example, in the case of a burst pipe, the drying process can take a few hours. However, after a major flood, it could take several days to dry out your home completely. 

However, it’s vital to remember that drying the property fast is only one part of the water damage remediation process. It is crucial to disinfect surfaces, repair damaged structures, and remove biological contaminants. 

Part of the SERVPRO water damage restoration service includes using industrial strength equipment and disinfectants to ensure no harmful microbes or toxic mold spores are left. 

Get Reliable and Professional Repair Service 

SERVPRO is a trusted Dallas water damage restoration company. Our team of experts is ready to assess water damage and have a plan of action to dry out your home and office fast. We offer reliable, safe, and professional water damage services. 

Contact our Dallas office now for a free estimation at (214) 272-7600. 

Signs That Your Office Needs Mold Inspection

4/5/2022 (Permalink)

Signs That Your Office Needs Mold Inspection Have you experienced a recent flood, heavy rain, or water leak? These are common water problems resulting in mold growth in the office.

Mold is a problem in offices that can lead to huge repair costs. Within 48 hours after a burst pipe or flood damage, mold can grow on surfaces. Since mold spores multiply and spread quickly, it’s crucial to recognize the signs of mold to eradicate it as fast as possible. 

Have you noticed black spots appearing in the corners of ceilings? Is there a stale, musty odor in a room? If so, you may be noticing the common signs of mold infestation. 

This article helps you identify signs that it’s time to call the experts to inspect your office for mold

Types of Molds

Mold is a type of fungus made up of spores that can appear white, green, or black. There are various types of molds that a professional inspection can uncover. Typically, there are allergenic, toxic, and pathogenic molds. 

Because mold can be stubborn and hard to detect, it’s recommended to have a professional mold remediation expert assess the damage and create a plan to eliminate the substance. 

Should I Have My Office Inspected For Mold?

Have you experienced a recent flood, heavy rain, or water leak? These are common water problems resulting in mold growth in the office. So how can you know that you should arrange for a mold inspection? Here are some common signs of mold.

Mold has a damp, musty smell

Mold often produces a funky smell in offices, even if you can see visible signs of mold. Some people describe the smell of mold as an earthy smell. Unfortunately, this musty smell also affects indoor air quality, leading to health issues. 

Mold looks like black patches on walls and ceilings

The obvious signs of black mold and dangerous mold are discolored black or greenish patches on floors, ceilings, and walls. Typically, this appears in corners first and then spreads. You’ll notice a furry growth on top of the black patches in severe mold infestations. 

Call SERVPRO of Dallas Love

SERVPRO is your team of local experts for Dallas mold remediation. With over 50 years of experience removing mold from office buildings, you can trust us to deliver the best customer service if you have noticed signs of mold. 

Call us at (214) 272-7600. 

The Difference Between Water Mitigation and Water Restoration

4/5/2022 (Permalink)

Has water damage struck your home or office without notice? Devastating water damage can be due to a leaking pipe, burst plumbing, leaking dishwasher, or hurricane. The water damage could destroy personal items and even the entire building structure. Due to such events, you may need the services of a professional company that has expertise in water mitigation and water damage restoration.

Water Mitigation vs. Water Restoration

Water mitigation describes services to prevent water from doing further damage. To mitigate the effects of water damage, a team of professionals will get your belongings and property out of harm’s way. On the other hand, water restoration repairs and restores the damage that water has already caused.

What is Water Damage Mitigation?

Water mitigation is the immediate response during a severe water event. Water mitigation aims to reduce the extent of damage due to water by protecting items, removing them, or removing affected structures. Water mitigation is the first step before water restoration. 

Water mitigation always begins with addressing the cause of the water leakage. Then, professionals assess the extent of the damage. The last step involves implementing a plan of action to mitigate the scope of the water damage. 

The mitigation process includes the following tasks:

  • Removing damaged materials and furniture, including flooring and drywall.
  • Cleaning and disinfecting salvageable materials.
  • Ensuring the home’s structure is stable.
  • Water extraction and drying out the property with commercial-grade equipment.
  • Putting boards or tarps on windows to protect the integrity of the building, 

These services ensure the water disaster does not lead to further property damage. Mitigation services do not involve repairing or restoration. Therefore, this service is only a temporary solution.

What is Water Damage Restoration?

Water damage restoration involves rebuilding and reconstructing the affected property to restore it to an inhabitable condition. The restoration process always begins after mitigation is completed. Typically, a water damage mitigation company also carries out restoration. 

Trained water damage restoration professionals will implement a plan to restore a home or property to pre-flood condition. The extent of the water damage will determine the restoration process. Typical water restoration service involves the following:

  • Replacing damaged flooring and walls.
  • Removing mold and disinfecting surfaces.
  • Repairing the damaged roof and any structure. 
  • Thorough testing to confirm that moisture and humidity issues are resolved.

The primary purpose of water damage restoration is to get your home back to its former glory. The effectiveness of water damage restoration depends significantly on an adequate water damage mitigation service. 

Has a severe water event damaged your home?

Call SERVPRO of Dallas Love today — your local Dallas water damage restoration team of experts at (214) 272-7600. We have many years of experience in providing water mitigation and restoration services. You can trust us to deliver the best customer service in the Dallas area.

What to Do When a Pipe Bursts

4/5/2022 (Permalink)

Water pipes can burst at any time in your home or business. Unfortunately, broken or leaking pipes are hard to detect. However, they could cause severe and costly water damage when left unattended. In addition, extreme water pressure, freezing temperatures, or clogs cause pipe bursts. 

If you experience such events, quick action is crucial to prevent extensive water damage and reduce the risk of mold growth. 

A minor drip from a damaged pipe can suddenly become a torrent of flooding water that you can’t control. Whether water is soaking into drywall, flooring, or carpeting, you must stop the flow of water immediately. 

What to Do When a Pipe Bursts: 6 Steps to Take ASAP

When a pipe bursts, the three things you must do is shut off the water supply, call a plumber, and then call experts in water damage restoration. After shutting down the water supply, it is time to assess that damage. But water damage restoration is always required because excess moisture causes serious secondary problems. 

Here are all the steps in detail to take when a pipe bursts. 

1. Turn off your water and drain the faucets

Shut off your water when a pipe bursts to reduce water damage. Next, open your faucets to drain the water that remains in supply lines. This releases water pressure in the plumbing system and helps to prevent further water damage.

2. Call a plumber

The quicker you call a plumber, the better. Fixing the burst pipe and restoring the water supply to your home are of primary importance. Remember that it will take a plumber time to arrive, fix the problem, and turn the water on again, even in an emergency. 

3. Clear the water

Even before the water damage restoration team arrives, you should clear away as much water as possible. This is the best way to prevent mold growth. However, always wear protective clothing because there could be a risk of contamination. 

4. Open windows and crank up the heating

Water damage restoration experts use specialized evaporation, heating, and dehumidifying equipment to dry your home. However, you can start the drying process by turning up the heat in your home. Then open doors and windows in your home to improve air circulation. This can help prevent a buildup of air moisture and helps to dry your home faster. 

5. Document the damage

The chances are that your home insurance company will cover the damage caused by a burst pipe. So, it’s a good idea to take pictures of the mess, damaged belongings, and anything else that may be relevant. 

6. Call a water damage restoration company

If you live in Dallas and have experienced a burst pipe, call SERVPRO of Dallas Love at (214) 272-7600. We are your local Dallas water damage restoration experts. We can mitigate the damage a water event causes and quickly get your home back to its former glory. 

When to Get Professional Office Mold Removal

4/5/2022 (Permalink)

Mold usually grows in damp, dark, cold conditions and requires professional removal. Getting mold removed by professionals is vitally important. Mold is a stubborn substance that can be difficult to remove with DIY methods. 

When should you get professionals to remove mold from offices? The simple answer is — always. Mold spores are prolific travelers and can become lodged into clothing, thus contaminating other areas if proper containment measures aren’t taken. 

Here’s what you can do if your office needs professional mold removal. 

Common Causes of Mold Growth

Mold grows when there is excess moisture and poor ventilation. Therefore, the removal of office mold starts with preventing a buildup of moisture and fixing water leaks. 

How Can My Office Be Mold Free?

Deciding when it’s the right time to call a professional to remove mold is critical. At the first signs of mold growth, you should contact the professionals to assess the situation. Early mold identification can prevent more serious health issues and possible litigation for negligence. 

Some of the common signs of the presence of mold in the office include the following:

  • Employees may complain about unpleasant, musty, or stale odors in offices or bathrooms. Therefore, it is vital to investigate the cause of bad smells in office buildings and mitigate them. 
  • The apparent signs of mold are blackened patches of unsightly dark patches on walls, ceilings, or floors. Depending on the type of mold, the mold growth could be yellow, gray, black, green, or brown. In severe mold infestations, the black patches will have a covering of a furry substance. 

Have you noticed signs of mold in your office? Now is the time to seek professional help for mold removal. Mold prevention and mitigation measures prevent severe damage.

Why You Need Professional Mold Removal

Mold removal professionals have specialized equipment, industrial-strength chemicals, and protective gear to remove mold. In addition, they know how to solve your problem without overlooking any signs.

Mold removal specialists carry out a thorough assessment of the mold damage. However, it’s not just about removing mold. It is also vital to identify the cause and resolve the reasons for mold appearing. 

After addressing the cause of mold, specialists will remove any mold-infested items. This usually includes getting rid of moldy carpets, soft furnishings, and drapes. Also, it may be necessary to replace drywall. Then all contaminated surfaces will be cleaned with detergents to remove the harmful fungi. 

If You’ve Noticed Mold in the Office, Call SERVPRO Immediately. 

We’re your local Dallas mold remediation experts. Our many years of experience will get rid of the source of mold and sanitize surfaces to improve indoor air quality fast. In addition, getting rid of mold in the quickest possible time minimizes the risk to employees’ health. 

Call us anytime, day or night, at (214) 272-7600.

Why You Need to Test Concrete after Water Damage

3/15/2022 (Permalink)

Concrete after Water Damage Testing concrete after a flood or significant water damage is vital. In some cases, the damage water causes to concrete is more than just superficial.

Currently, most buildings are constructed using concrete with a coating and moisture barrier to protect them. However, testing concrete after a flood or significant water damage is vital. In some cases, the damage water causes to concrete is more than just superficial. Therefore, specialized testing is required to ensure appropriate water damage restoration steps are taken to prevent long-lasting damage. 

Observable Signs of Moisture Damage in Concrete

The earlier problems are identified, the easier it is to avoid serious structural damage. Some of the obvious signs of water damage in concrete include:

  • Discoloration or damp spots on the floor
  • Loose or damaged flooring materials
  • Deterioration and crumbling of concrete
  • Mold and mildew growth on the concrete and flooring materials
  • Peeling, bubbling, or cracking of the floor surface
  • Moldy odor with white or black floor patches

Reason for Water Damage in Concrete

Calling experts with experience in water damage restoration is vital after a flood or severe water event. However, there can be other reasons why moisture damage occurs in concrete. Some of the sources of moisture include the following:

  • Concrete improperly drying 
  • Water seeping in from the ground
  • Faulty vapor barrier
  • Inadequate landscaping grade
  • Poor ventilation
  • High relative humidity
  • Human-made causes like water leaks caused by broken plumbing pipes

Four Moisture Tests for Concrete Floors

A high moisture-to-cement ratio affects concrete compaction and reduces concrete’s compressive strength and durability.

Here are four standard tests to check: 

ASTM D4263

This is the most economical method to test for moisture content in concrete. An 18-inch square plastic sheet is tapped to the concrete surface. If after 16 hours a visible condensation on tape appears, the moisture is excessive.  

ASTM F1869

The Calcium Chloride (CaCI) test is a surface moisture test used to indicate the presence of moisture, quantity, and rate of moisture vapor in the concrete after 60 – 72 hours. The drawback with this kit is that it only measures moisture content in the top three-quarter of an inch in the concrete; anything below is undetectable.

ASTM F2170

This is an advanced technology where special moisture probes are embedded in the concrete. Unlike the other methods, this test determines the moisture levels throughout the slab’s depth.

ASTM F2659

This is a non-destructive electronic moisture meter used to detect moisture levels on a concrete surface. You can also use this testing method to locate high moisture areas within the concrete slab.  

Mitigation Measures to Prevent Water Damage in Concrete

One of the most crucial steps after any type of water damage is to dry the concrete flooring thoroughly. Water can permeate the concrete surface because it’s a porous material. Therefore, just wiping the surface dry is rarely enough. 

SERVPRO’s Dallas Water damage restoration professionals use specialized equipment to dehumidify rooms and control temperature to speed up drying times. 

Has your home or commercial building been damaged by water? If so, talk to a SERVPRO of Dallas Love specialist today to learn how we can ensure that your concrete structures don’t suffer from the long-term effects of water damage. 

Call us at (214) 272-7600 for 24-hour assistance. 

What is Home and Commercial Drying and Restoration?

3/15/2022 (Permalink)

ome and Commercial Drying and Restoration Regardless of the source, all cases of water damage should be treated immediately to prevent mold growth and further damage from occurring.

Water tends to get into every nook and cranny and stay there for a long time. Because of this, water damage is considered one of the most common and severe types of property damage. Regardless of the source, all cases of water damage should be treated immediately to prevent mold growth and further damage from occurring. But before engaging in maintenance and restoration operations, several issues must be addressed. 

Suppose water continues to enter your home or building, or you fail to get rid of excessive moisture. In that case, you can expect serious problems down the road. Here is what you can do to ensure peace of mind after a water catastrophe in a home or commercial building. 

What are the Differences Between Commercial and Residential Restoration? 

Commercial restoration is a specialized service provided by an experienced team to repair damaged buildings and business enterprises. Similarly, a residential restoration service removes water from homes and restores them to a livable, pre-damaged condition. Residential and commercial drying and restoration aim to mitigate the issues water damage causes

General Step-By-Step Drying and Restoration Process

Here are the steps to take after a flood or severe water event in a home or commercial property: 

  1. After a major disaster, call your insurance agent or other representatives. 
  2. Walk the restoration company representatives through your home. They will assess the level of damage.
  3. Get a professional drying and restoration company to evaluate the work necessary to restore your property to its former condition. Our SERVPRO of Dallas Love technicians will be happy to give you a free estimate for our services. 

Restoration of Commercial Buildings

Here are the steps that water damage restoration experts take to dry out a property after a flood. 

  1. Water extraction and removal using specialized equipment to remove excess water or debris from your building. 
  2. Drying and dehumidification using professional industrial blowers and dryers are vital to remove hidden moisture. This equipment allows for adequate moisture removal from air, drywall, or floors. Once the equipment is set up, our technicians monitor it regularly and document the drying process until completion. 
  3. Cleaning and disinfecting surfaces are crucial, especially if the water is contaminated. This step will also help to restore air quality at the property. 

Restoration of Residential Buildings

Home drying and restoration after a water event is similar to that of commercial buildings. Here are the steps we take:

  1. Structural and sub-floor drying by using powerful vacuum equipment to remove excess moisture trapped in the ceiling, floor, and walls.
  2. Installation of drying equipment like carpet dryers, air movers, and humidifiers. 
  3. Sanitization of sewage lines to remove any serious health risks for you and your family. 
  4. Removal of non-salvageable building materials with porous surfaces like drywall, cabinets, furniture, and vinyl floors. Even in a clean environment, some materials cannot be recovered for various reasons. Therefore, it is appropriate to stop drying for a while to assess the material's recyclability. 
  5. Reconstruction by a team of experienced contractors will restore flooring and damaged surfaces. The result is that your home will be in its pre-damaged state through timely, cost-effective, high-quality recovery services. 

Restore your commercial property and recover your business

If you are in an emergency, get help now with our emergency Dallas mold remediation services. Our experienced team of professionals at our SERVPRO of Dallas Love franchise is ready to stop damage quickly and make high-quality repairs so you can resume your regular routine at your home or business. 

Call us anytime day or night at (214) 272-7600.

What Does a Thermal Camera Do?

3/15/2022 (Permalink)

What Does a Thermal Camera Do Thermal imagery is a great way to analyze your home’s heat loss and leaks.

A thermal imaging camera is a specialized piece of equipment that restoration professionals use to detect heat. The thermal camera can create images of any form of detectable infrared radiation by capturing different heat levels to help determine the temperature of an object in it. 

Thermal imagery is a great way to analyze your home’s heat loss and leaks. First, however, you need to know how to interpret the images. For example, infrared cameras detect thermal energy escaping due to missing insulation, cracks around windows and doors, and electrical hotspots. 

However, thermal imaging can also detect particular cold areas and can help to identify water leaks and cold spots in homes.

Moisture seepage and water leaks are subtle and easy to miss in a building until it is too late. For example, small water drips from the ceiling or pools of water on floors mean a significant problem in the plumbing system or roof. Therefore, when interpreting a thermal image, it is essential to understand it doesn’t offer X-ray vision.

Is Blue Always “Wet” on Thermal Imaging?

There are many sources of moisture in buildings, including humidity (in all seasons), condensation, leaking pipes, rain and snow, and even human and animal breath. Usually, low humidity is fine, but leaks or a lot of condensation can cause serious problems. Unfortunately, a thermal imaging camera cannot “see” moisture in walls. Still, it can detect subtle temperature differences and patterns that indicate the presence of water. 

Different colors are used to interpret an object’s temperature or amount of heat. The color range is red, orange, black, yellow, and purple. In this case, bright colors such as red, yellow, and orange indicate high temperatures, and purple, dark blue, and black indicate low temperatures. 

Red, yellow, and orange: Indicates warm to high temperatures. 

Dark blue, black, and purple: Represents cool to freezing temperatures. 

Leaks or moisture almost always appear cooler and bluer than the surrounding material. Therefore, it becomes easier to make informed decisions when you understand how to read and interpret the thermal cameras. 

Using thermal imaging cameras makes it easier to spot potential moisture problems. This can help prevent the need for destructive testing methods to check for leaks. 

Humidity Patterns in Houses

Humidity in buildings often spreads in a recognizable pattern depending on the location of the water. 

On walls: Downward triangular patterns are formed when water spreads downwards.

Ceilings: An shapeless, unstructured shape with regions of wet, damp, and wet matter that spread outward with varying temperatures.

Flooding: The overflowing water runs along the wall into the insulation and over the wall studs. 

Hot water pipes: Leaks from hot water pipes appear as warm areas.

SERVPRO of Dallas Love is Here to Help

A thermal camera is easy to operate and helps to identify unseen moisture issues in homes damaged by a water event. At SERVPRO of Dallas Love, our team of experts uses thermal cameras for our Dallas water damage restoration services. 

Call us today at (214) 272-7600 to find out how we can remove excess moisture and prevent mold growth after a flood.

Five Easy Steps to Concrete Restoration After a Fire

3/15/2022 (Permalink)

Concrete Restoration After a Fire Contact SERVPRO of Dallas Love today to learn about our Dallas fire damage restoration services in the local area.

Fire can have a devastating effect on concrete. Concrete restoration after a fire is a vital step to ensure permanent damage to concrete doesn’t affect the strength of the building’s structure. Typically, professional fire and water damage restorations take five steps to mitigate fire damage on concrete.

Concrete is the most commonly used material in modern tunnels and structural engineering structures. In terms of fire behavior, concrete is non-flammable, has low thermal conductivity, and has excellent thermal insulation properties. 

These qualities can help protect parts of the structure from fire. However, the concrete’s strength, rigidity, and the surface will be affected at extremely high temperatures. This can decrease the residual strength and durability of the structure. 

Concrete Strength Reduction from Fire

Exposure Temperature

Concrete Color

Strength Reduction

32°F to 570°F 



570°F to 1,100°F 

Pink or Red

0 to 55%

1,100°F to 1,650°F


55 to 85%

1,650°F to 2,200°F  


85 to 100%

Greater than 2,200°F 


Complete decomposition of the cement paste where calcium hydroxide converts to calcium carbonate

After a fire incident, it is crucial to carry out an initial inspection to determine whether structural repairs are necessary. Due to the excellent insulation properties of concrete, even severely damaged structures can often be repaired. In addition, remedial repairs may include aesthetic restoration to replace the damaged structure.

Five Steps to Restore Concrete After a Fire

Concrete restoration after a fire is vital to ensure it’s safe to live in or occupy the building. SERVPRO tests fire-damaged concrete to assess the best approach to restoring it. Here are some of the steps we may take. 

1. Cleaning and cosmetic enhancement

The first step to restoring concrete after a fire is to remove any smoke and soot particles from the surfaces. This can be done using a sandblasting technique to loosen soot around the affected area. It is vital to remove all traces of smoke and soot before moving to the next step. 

2. Using mortar or resins to repair concrete surfaces

Suppose there are surface cracks in the damaged concrete. In that case, it may be possible to restore it by applying glue, surface-bonding agent, or resin to fill the gaps and prevent moisture from getting into the concrete structure.

3. Using sprayed concrete or flowable concrete to repair and strengthen the concrete structure

Sprayed concrete is a material with rapid hardening qualities to stabilize and repair fire-damaged concrete. This can be applied to spalled concrete to fill cavities and restore a smooth concrete finish.

4. Reinforcing steel or fiber-reinforced polymers used to strengthen concrete (FRP)

In severe fire damage, it may be possible to save the structure by using strengthened steel structures. This can be done by either creating beam-column joints between the existing beam and existing column or increasing the cross-section area and welding additional angle shape profiles. 

5. Complete replacement of specific components.

Some concrete components become so weak after a fire that restoration of the original material is impossible. Therefore, unrepairable concrete must be removed and replaced with a new concrete structure to complete restoration. 

SERVPRO of Dallas Love is Here to Help

In many cases, concrete damaged in a fire is repairable. Contact SERVPRO of Dallas Love today to learn about our Dallas fire damage restoration services in the local area. 

We’re available 24/7 at (214) 272-7600.

Can Humidifiers Cause Mold? What You Need to Know

2/25/2022 (Permalink)

woman sitting near humidifiers If mold has developed in your property, because of your humidifier or other cause, don’t hesitate at all in contacting SERVPRO of Dallas Love today!

Mold is one of those stubborn substances that can be found just about anywhere since a mold colony can grow in any place where moisture is present. With that in mind, one can only ask if it’s possible for humidifiers to cause mold?

It can be frustrating handling mold since its complete removal often relies on knowing its exact source. And while it seems likely that your humidifier is the cause, you can never tell without an expert’s opinion.

SERVPRO of Dallas Love has been providing Dallas mold remediation services for 35+ years. We know a lot about mold growth and how to stop it. So, if you own a humidifier and are unsure if it’s the cause of your mold problem, then continue reading below. 

What are Humidifiers?

As the name implies, humidifiers are devices that release steam into the air. They’re designed to increase moisture levels (humidity). Different types of humidifiers exist on the market today, such as central humidifiers, steam vaporizers, and evaporators.

The purpose of humidifiers is to help relieve discomfort caused by dry indoor air, including bloody noses and cracked lips.

Do Humidifiers Cause Mold?

The bottom line is yes, humidifiers can cause mold. Because moisture feeds mold development, and humidifiers increase moisture levels, mold can easily grow from their use. 

But this doesn’t mean that humidifiers will always cause mold growth. In fact, mold growth from a humidifier can easily be prevented with the right dehumidifier maintenance. 

Humidifier Maintenance Steps to Take to Prevent Mold Growth 

In order to prevent mold development from humidifier use, we recommend following these steps:

Change Humidifier Water Regularly

Certain deposits can develop inside your humidifier if you don’t change the water often. Make sure to empty the tanks and refill them every day, if possible.

Use Distilled Water

Tap water contains minerals that promote bacterial growth. By using distilled water, which has lower mineral content, you can reduce the risk of mold development significantly. You can also reduce the risk by using demineralization cartridges or filters.

Clean Your Humidifier Frequently

Every three days, you should unplug your humidifier and clean it. Remove mineral deposits from your humidifier’s tank or other parts with a 3% hydrogen peroxide solution available at most pharmacies.

Read the humidifier’s manufacturer notes. They may mention using another disinfectant instead of hydrogen peroxide.

Replace Your Old Humidifier

If your current humidifier is an older or outdated model, you should consider replacing it. Older humidifiers can build deposits that are difficult to remove and can promote mold growth. 

In Need of Dallas Mold Remediation Services?

If mold has developed in your property, because of your humidifier or other cause, don’t hesitate at all in contacting SERVPRO of Dallas Love today!

Call us at (214) 272-7600 or visit our contact page for help ASAP. 

The 4 Common Mistakes That Could Cause an Oven Fire

2/10/2022 (Permalink)

Kitchen Stove on Fire Ovens are complicated, multi-faceted devices that can cause fires due to a myriad of factors.

Thanks to the advancements made in fire-prevention technology, as well as general fire safety, we’ve seen a slow decline in fires (3.2%) from 2010 to 2019. But despite the advancements made, fires are still a prevalent issue in the US. Mistakes in the kitchen are the leading cause of US housefires. 

Your kitchen is made up of different components that can cause fires, chief amongst them is your oven. While we tend to think we know how to operate our ovens properly, we still make common mistakes that could potentially set your property ablaze.

To ensure that you avoid these mistakes and don’t have to rely on our Dallas fire damage restoration services, continue reading below.

Avoid these 4 Common Mistakes to Prevent an Oven Fire. 

Ovens are complicated, multi-faceted devices that can cause fires due to a myriad of factors. The most common mistakes that can cause over fires, however, include:

1. Greasy foods placed too close to a heat source

If you’re cooking greasy foods, make sure not to place said foods too close to the oven’s heating source. 

If your food item has too much grease (such as olive oil) and is near a heating source (right under the broiler, for example), the abundance of grease can spatter and spark a fire when in direct contact with it.  

The bottom line is when cooking greasy foods, always place them on the lower oven racks.

2. Dropping food in the oven

Proper oven maintenance means cleaning up any food that has dropped on your oven floor. So, be sure to check your oven regularly for fallen food debris. 

Leftover bits sitting on the surface of your oven can catch fire when at high temperatures. Even if they don’t pose a huge fire risk, they can still smoke and cause lingering odors, which will mean having to call Dallas fire damage restoration services to remove the smell.

The risk of a fire starting due to overcooking is based on the dryness of certain food items (e.g. overheating fallen pieces of a baguette).

3. Using wax paper

When cooking with our ovens, we tend to think that wax paper and parchment paper are the same. They are not.

Wax paper is not as heat-resistant as parchment paper, meaning it will likely melt when exposed to prolonged high temperatures. As a result, the paper component of wax paper can also be set ablaze. Parchment paper, by contrast, won’t catch fire and at most will only darken due to heat.

4. Using the wrong settings

Read and understand your recipe carefully before cooking with your oven. Doing so will ensure that you know which proper settings to use. Without knowing, you can set the oven to broil instead of using a specific temperature, which will likely cause an oven fire.

After the Fire, Call SERVPRO of Dallas Love ASAP

SERVPRO of Dallas Love will gladly provide you with the Dallas fire damage restoration you need to make your property look as good as new.

For any inquiries, you can call us at (214) 272-7600 or visit our contact page.

Texas Winter Storm: What You Can Expect

2/10/2022 (Permalink)

texas flag with snow There are many problems that can arise in the aftermath of a winter storm.

Like most natural disasters, storms can be unpredictable, leaving you and other occupants of your property vulnerable. Besides the well-being of yourself and others, though, you could also be facing a myriad of problems that are afflicting your home or business. In the end, you will have to pay a lot out of pocket to ensure that your property issues are resolved, especially for problems that you may have not noticed right away.

Sound stressful? Don’t worry. While storms have the potential to damage your property, by educating yourself on common problems you might face after a winter storm, you can better prepare yourself for the worst. More so, you can also be prepared by researching and hiring the most qualified services to help with property damage, such as our Dallas water damage restoration services.

What to Expect With a Texas Winter Storm 

There are many problems that can arise in the aftermath of a winter storm — too many, in fact, for us to list here. But the most common issues you should be mindful of include:

Water Damage

Some storms can cause heavy rainfall. Others can cause flooding just by the strength of their winds alone. Take, for instance, Hurricane Nicholas, which caused heavy flooding along the gulf coast back in 2021.

For winter storms, specifically, heavy snowfall can occur, resulting in massive amounts of water melting in the aftermath. Depending on the strength and severity of the storm, you will need to be aware of water damage that may take place. Even if you don’t see water damage present, perform a thorough inspection of your property. 

Because of its fluidity, water can be trapped just about anywhere, even in the tiniest crevices of your property. If you find water damage has occurred, call SERVPRO for our Dallas water damage restoration services.

Roof Damage

The high winds that spawn from powerful winter storms can easily lift just about anything, especially the tiles and shingles of roofs. With that in mind, be sure to inspect your roof once the skies are clear and it’s safe to go outside.

It’s not too difficult to notice missing shingles and tiles on a roof, but also be sure to look closely for any cracks or other forms of damage. Also, be mindful of water that could’ve seeped into your roof after the snow melts. Trapped water in the roof can provide the perfect environment for mold development.

Impact Damage

Because high winds from a storm can pick up objects, they can also put them down and even collide them onto surfaces of your property. Look outside your home or business and be on the lookout for anything that could be damaged due to impact.

Call SERVPRO of Dallas Love for Our Quality Restoration Services Today.

If you find yourself in need of Dallas water damage restoration services, or any other restoration work, call us today at (214) 272-7600.

SERVPRO Process to Clean Textiles Revealed

2/10/2022 (Permalink)

clean living room furniture Textiles can easily trap moisture, making them the perfect environment for mold growth.

Eliminating all mold and mold spores within your property is not possible, as mold will always grow so long as there is moisture in the air. With that being said, you should still be aware of where mold could possibly develop in your property, especially when it comes to your textiles.

Textiles can easily trap moisture, making them the perfect environment for mold growth. Because of this, it can be easy for mold to grow uncontrollably in textiles and you will have to rely on Dallas mold remediation services to properly remove the mold spores.

While mold remediation is a difficult process, it’s one we here at SERVPRO of Dallas Love have mastered thanks to our 35+ years of experience in the damage restoration industry. Keep reading to learn more about our process to clean textiles. 

The SERVPRO Textile Cleaning Process

We follow a general process for each and every single service we provide here at SERVPRO. When it comes to textile cleaning specifically, we follow this procedure:

Inspection and Assessment

Upon arrival at your property, we will thoroughly inspect the damage that has taken place, even in areas where damage isn’t visibly noticeable. An initial inspection allows us to see where our work is needed most. It also helps us find other types of damage you may have not noticed.

Mold Containment

As soon as we get to work, the first thing we do is ensure the mold or other bacteria in your textiles are contained. All cooling and heating systems will be turned off to ensure the mold in your textiles doesn't spread.

Air Filtration

Thanks to our state-of-the-art air scrubbers and contractor-grade HEPA vacuums, we’re able to prevent the spread of mold as we perform remediation. This extra step we take ensures your air isn’t infected with mold spores.

Removing Mold

With antifungal and antimicrobial procedures, we remediate the heavy mold growth taking place in your textiles. For this part of the process, we carefully extract the mold with the most powerful technology in the industry.


Once the mold is removed properly, we start cleaning your textiles with the use of the right equipment. 

Other than textiles, we will gladly apply our SERVPRO of Dallas Love mold remediation services to other areas of your property if necessary.


If needed, we will apply our restoration services to your textiles. Restoration may involve repairs as well as the use of certain equipment to ensure your textiles appear as they did before mold growth.

Restore Your Textiles Today with SERVPRO of Dallas Love

SERVPRO has been providing its quality services to numerous patrons over its 35+ years of business. We feel more than confident that when you choose us, you’ll be in the good hands of experts as they perform quality Dallas mold remediation services.

For any inquiries, you may call us at (214) 272-7600 or visit our contact page.

Save Your Carpets and Pads after a Flood with SERVPRO

1/5/2022 (Permalink)

person standing on damaged carpet No matter if your walls, basement, or your carpets and pads are damaged by a flood, we are always readily available to help.

The aftermath of a flood can be devastating and frustrating to deal with. When you consider, especially, how severely damaged your home or business is, it can be difficult to know how to rebuild. 

Carpets and pads are amongst some of the most important valuables of your property. After a flood,carpets and pads may seem like a lost cause. But SERVPRO’s technicians know how to save carpets and pads after a flood. We’ve done it more times than we can count.

How Can SERVPRO Help You After a Flood?

SERVPRO has been in business for 35+ years. We are amongst the most experienced restoration businesses in the area and are highly regarded for our work.

While we are known for many of our services, patrons always look to us for our Dallas water damage restoration services. No matter if your walls, basement, or your carpets and pads are damaged by a flood, we are always readily available to help.

You can contact us 24/7 and as soon as you call, we immediately get to work. Once we arrive at your property, we will assess the damage thoroughly and provide work specifically tailored to restore your carpet and pads appropriately. This may involve the use of various methods and devices to get the job done right. 

Why Not Just DIY?

Most people assume that DIYs will help get the job done and save a lot of money too. But truth be told, depending on how much expertise is required, DIY-ing something isn’t always the best alternative. In fact, when it comes to carpet and pad restoration, specifically, DIY-ing can have dire consequences.

Dallas water damage restoration is no easy feat and it requires the experienced handiwork of a professional. If you attempt to restore your carpets and pads yourself, you risk damaging them further.

One common mistake people make when trying to save their carpets includes the use of combustion appliances, which the EPA advises not to do. Using these appliances could cause fires, which will further damage your property.

In the end, the best thing you can do is to hire a professional to save carpets and pads after a flood. They are industry experts and will ensure your carpets and pads are taken care of accordingly. If you happen to live in Dallas, then SERVPRO will gladly provide you with their high-end Dallas water damage restoration.

Did a Flood Ruin Your Carpets and Pads? Call SERVPRO Right Away

We’ve seen how floods can ruin a home or business’s carpets and pads, which is why our team is more than dedicated to helping our clients.

If you need Dallas water damage restoration, call us at (214) 272-7600 or visit our contact page.

Winter Is Coming: Fire Safety Tips During a Winter Storm

1/5/2022 (Permalink)

snowy front yard If a fire took place in your home or business, pick up the phone and call the experts at SERVPRO today.

Winter, a gloomy time of year, is packed with holidays and parties to keep the dreariness at bay. But due to the frequent festivities that often take place during this season, we tend to forget many safety precautions — particularly, fire safety tips during a winter storm.

It’s incredibly easy for a fire to get started, especially during a winter storm where firefighters have little to no access to your home or business. But with the right safety protocol, you can be sure to prevent fires in winter. 

Winter Storm Fire Safety Tips

In 2019, more than 1,200,000 million fires occurred in the United States, many of which likely took place during the winter season.

Fires can happen at any given moment. When one starts in your business or home, it can be devastating and you will have to rely on Dallas fire damage restoration for assistance. 

Because of how random and unpredictable fires are, it’s vital that you practice the following fire safety tips during winter.

Always Have a Plan

It’s crucial that you always have an emergency plan in place. With an emergency plan, you can make sure fire damage is kept at a minimum and building occupants are safe if a fire starts. 

Be very meticulous with your plan as you create it. Make sure you have an escape route and a way to extinguish the fire quickly before it gets out of control. 

After your emergency plan is complete, go over it with your employees or members of your household. Other occupants should be aware of the plan and how to execute it during a winter fire.

Never Leave the Kitchen Unattended When in Use

Kitchens are the primary cause of winter and holiday fires. Waiting for a pot to boil or roast to finish can be boring. And, it’s all too easy to walk away from the stove to run another errand. This risks a fire starting, setting your kitchen (and possibly, the rest of your building) ablaze.

Remember to always be attentive and present when cooking during a winter storm. Never leave your kitchen when appliances are in use for extended periods of time, and keep a fire extinguisher handy.

Fire Equipment

Speaking of fire extinguishers, you should consider having one in your home or business if you don’t already. But besides this, you should also consider purchasing other fire prevention equipment. It’s a good idea to have a fire retardant blanket available on your property as well.

Winter Fire Ruining Your Holiday Cheer? Call SERVPRO

If a fire took place in your home or business, pick up the phone and call the experts at SERVPRO today. SERVPRO is highly regarded for its Dallas fire damage restoration and we’d be more than happy to help you.

Call us at (214) 272-7600 or fill out our online form.

Consequences of Water and Mold Damage in Office Buildings

1/5/2022 (Permalink)

gutted office building When the damage is overwhelming, hire your local Dallas mold remediation service provider.

We tend to think of water as a calm and serene element. But it’s one of the most destructive ones, and water damage can severely impact the value of your office building. More so, even after water damage strikes your business, there’s a risk that mold will grow in the aftermath.

Water and mold can have many dire consequences on the quality of an office building, which is why it’s important for you to recognize the hazard. Knowledge is power. And with it, you can learn to be safe and make the right choices as you search for Dallas water damage restoration services.  

The Effects of Water and Mold Damage

Without hiring a professional, the consequences of water and mold damage in office buildings can be devastating. When water damage and mold damage strikes, you should always call for professional Dallas mold remediation services

So, what happens if you don’t get professional assistance after water or mold has damaged your office building? Let’s break down the consequences:

Damaged Structure

Water damage can destroy an office building’s structure. Because of this, occupants’ safety and well-being are at risk after a flood occurs. 

Drywall and plaster will absorb the water. As the walls slowly dry, wooden studs under the wall material will warp, which can be a safety hazard. Wet, damaged drywall or plaster can crumble and fall onto the occupants. 

Moreover, the excess moisture and humidity provides the perfect environment for mold to develop, which can further damage the building. 

Reduced Property Value

Water and mold damage will most definitely hurt your finances and significantly lower the property’s value. 

Whenever you purchase a property, it will always be an investment. And like any investment, you will want to ensure that you get your money’s worth. If your property has succumbed to both water and mold damage, it’s important that you take care of the issue right away. Otherwise, your investment won’t guarantee a good return.

To ensure your investment is secured, always rely on Dallas water damage restoration immediately after a disaster.

How to Resolve Water and Mold Damage

There is no way to completely eliminate all mold in your office building. But you can control or inhibit its growth with moisture control.

This may seem like an easy task to do, but when water and or mold damage is present, it’s always best to call a professional.

When the damage is overwhelming, hire your local Dallas mold remediation service provider.

Have Water and Mold Damage in Your Office Building? Call SERVPRO

Water and Mold damage is something that’s always best left in the hands of a professional. 

When you find yourself needing a professional, call SERVPRO at (214) 272-7600 or visit our contact page.

Tobacco and Cigarette Smoke Odor Removal with SERVPRO

1/5/2022 (Permalink)

man smoking cigarette in living room It’s tempting to try a DIY solution for eliminating smoke odors. While those solutions seem like the right choice, it’s better to hire a professional.

Fires can be devastating emotionally and financially. In fact, fires had caused a near $15 billion loss in 2019 alone. But some of the most impactful damage can come from smoke, and fires aren’t the only culprit for this.

Amongst the most problematic silent killers of property value are odor and smoke damage from tobacco and cigarettes. When occupants smoke tobacco products indoors, the smoke will stain walls and furniture. As a result, a foul odor can linger for weeks or even months on end unless the appropriate cleaning methods for smoke odor removal are applied.

What Do I Do About That Smell?

It’s tempting to try a DIY solution for eliminating smoke odors. But while those online DIY solutions seem like the right choice, it’s always better to hire a professional.

Trying to DIY a problem can often make the issue worse than it already is. In the case of smoke damage and odor from tobacco products, you might worsen the smell if you use the wrong cleaning products and methods.

A professional trained in smoke damage restoration will always carry the right equipment. But moreover, they will also carefully assess the damage and know which procedures to implement, ensuring that the tobacco odor is eliminated long-term. With their handiwork and expertise in Dallas fire damage restoration, you can trust that you will be in good hands with SERVPRO. 

What Can a Professional Do?

Experts trained in many forms of damage restoration (such as Dallas water damage restoration) can provide you with the help you need to tackle your smoke damage.

Each service provider is different when it comes to its methods. For SERVPRO, specifically, we always follow a meticulous process right from the very beginning when you call us.

Inspection and Assessment

Upon arrival, we will carefully assess the damage that has taken place in your home or business. Even when it comes to simple tobacco odor, we will always closely inspect the issue.

Removal of Soot and Smoke

After a series of important steps involving protection and water damage restoration (if water damage is present) we will begin the removal of soot and smoke on all surfaces. With the appropriate cleaning products, we will remove the smoke that has stained your walls, ceilings, floors, furniture, and much more.

Cleaning, Sanitizing, and Restoration

After removing items beyond hope, the next step is to thoroughly clean any salvageable items. After that, we will begin restoration to ensure no tobacco odor and stains remain.

Call SERVPRO Today

Regardless of whether you need help with tobacco and smoke odor removal or Dallas mold remediation, you can count on us.

Call us at (214) 272-7600 or visit our contact page.

Tenants or Landlords: Who's Responsible for Water Damage?

11/19/2021 (Permalink)

House Flood Damage When a house flood causes water damage in your rental property, who is responsible?

About ten percent of homes suffer from leaks that waste 90 gallons of water or more each day. But while this issue persists for those who live in apartments, another issue arises:

Is the tenant or the landlord responsible for water damage?

Fixing water damage should always be a priority for tenants. But if you’re not entirely sure if it’s yours or the landlord’s responsibility, then continue reading to find out. 

SERVPRO has provided Dallas water damage restoration to many tenants and is aware of who should ultimately resolve this pressing issue.

So, Who’s Responsible?

It can be difficult to know for sure. There are many factors at play when it comes to who must pay for water damage. For this reason, you need to be mindful of what ultimately caused the damage. Knowing what started the leak will help you determine if the damage is the result of the tenant’s or the landlord’s negligence.

When it’s the Landlord’s Responsibility

Determining when it’s the landlord’s responsibility is difficult. Most properties have insurance of some kind but if you’re the tenant, then you must be aware of all details of your lease. Understanding your lease will help you determine what, if any, actions need to be taken when water damage occurs in a rental property. 

When it’s the Tenant’s Responsibility

If you’re the tenant and don’t notify your landlord of the water damage in a timely manner, you may be responsible for the damages. So, when you notice a leak or other water-related issues, tell your landlord immediately.

If water damage occurred as the direct result of your negligence (i.e. leaving your faucet on), then the tenant is responsible and will need Dallas water damage restoration services. 

Need Help with Water Damage? Call SERVPRO of Dallas Love Now

Regardless of whose responsibility it is, you will need a professional to get the job done. When you need help, contact SERVPRO for our Dallas water damage restoration.

Call us at (214) 272-7600 or fill out our online form for immediate assistance.

Protect Your Home From Slab Leaks

11/19/2021 (Permalink)

Slab leak causing cracks in home foundation When a pipe underneath a home's slab foundation has a leak, most don't notice the problem for a long time. This can cause water damage to the home.

Did you know that when you fix small water leaks, you can save about 10 percent on your home’s water bill? Obviously, when it comes to slab leaks, this is the type of water damage that isn’t so easily correctable. But just imagine how much more money you’ll save when the issue is detected early and resolved quickly. 

SERVPRO knows a thing or two about slab leaks because we’ve been providing Dallas water damage restoration for many years. To learn more about the warning signs of slab leaks, keep on reading. 

What’s a Slab Leak?

A slab leak is when a pipe underneath a property’s slab area is leaking. The leaking pipe allows water to seep into the earth and the home’s foundation.

Slab leaks can damage concrete and erode the soil surrounding your property. It can take a long time for a property owner to realize they have a slab leak, which is why you should be aware of the following warning signs.

Dome Formations

Slab leaks can warp your floors and turn them into dome-like shapes. Even though they are an indicator of slab leaks, they are also an indicator that slab leaks have been occurring on your property for a long time and there is severe damage.

Warm Areas on Your Floor

If the hot water line is what’s causing slab leaks, then you can detect such types of leaks just by feeling how warm your floors are. Having carpeted flooring can make spotting these warm areas rather easy. Any other type of flooring that is otherwise thick will make detection difficult.

Increased Water Bill

If there’s a sudden spike in your water bills, this can often be an indicator of a severe leak.

SERVPRO of Dallas Love Can Fix Your Slab Leaks

If you have a slab leak in your home, you can resolve it quickly when you call SERVPRO for our Dallas water damage restoration services.

Call us today at (214) 272-7600 or fill out our online form to get Dallas water damage restoration right away.

Eliminate the Mess in Your Office with Proper Cleanup

11/19/2021 (Permalink)

Professional cleaning up of office SERVPRO of Dallas Love is prepared 24/7 to help with any restoration or cleaning services your office needs.

You never know when a disaster will strike your commercial property. And you may not even know how common they are. Fires, for example, were responded to in the US by fire departments every 23 seconds

With that in mind, you need to be prepared for when the next disaster strikes. More importantly, you need to hire the best service around to clean the aftermath.

When mold, water, and even fires damage your office, you can trust SERVPRO of Dallas Love to restore your building to its former glory.

Continue reading below to learn more about our services.

Dallas Mold Remediation

Mold is a residue that non-professionals shouldn’t tackle. That’s why we encourage you to call SERVPRO for our Dallas mold remediation services.

SERVPRO will assess the mold in your property and remove the spores accordingly with our state-of-the-art technology. After we remove the mold in your business, you can expect a clean atmosphere again.

Dallas Water Damage Restoration

Water can be a deadly force. If you don’t detect leaks early, they can slowly erode areas of your property over time. But don’t worry, you can trust the experts of SERVPRO for our Dallas water damage restoration.

After the inspection is complete, our staff will perform the necessary water extraction, and make sure your interiors are dry.

Dallas Fire Damage Restoration

Fire is perhaps the most destructive element when it comes to property damage. It can destroy just about anything within a matter of seconds. Moreover, it can leave behind a nasty mess of soot and smoke damage.

When you need help removing soot from your walls, floors, and even textiles, SERVPRO will be ready to help. We’ve assisted many fire-damaged businesses and feel confident we can help you, too.

Call the SERVPRO Experts Today

SERVPRO of Dallas Love will always be ready to assist you with your property damage endeavors. 

When you need help, call us at (214) 272-7600 or visit our contact page.

Get Your Home Restored to its Original State with SERVPRO

11/19/2021 (Permalink)

Living room after building restoration "Like it never even happened." - SERVPRO of Dallas Love provides professional building restoration services to have your home looking like new.

Homes are susceptible to just about anything pertaining to the elements and can be easily damaged at any given moment. When it comes to fires, for instance, at least one-third of fires caused in 2020 took place in or on structures. In any case, when your home is damaged (whether it be due to a fire or a leak) it can be frustrating trying to fix your now ugly home.

SERVPRO understands how important one’s home is, which is why we do everything in our power to ensure your home is restored to its original beauty.

If your property is the victim of a fire, leaking pipes, or even abundant mold, then continue reading below to learn how our services can help you.

How SERVPRO of Dallas Love Helps

SERVPRO is versatile when it comes to our various restoration services. But our most popular ones include:

Dallas Water Damage Restoration

While we tend to think of water as a serene natural element, it can also be a powerful force. Even when it strikes subtly, such as a leaking pipe, water can erode your entire property.

If you didn’t detect the leak in time and water has damaged your home, don’t hesitate at all contacting SERVPRO for our Dallas water damage restoration. We’ll extract the water and make your interiors dry and beautiful again.

Dallas Fire Damage Restoration

Fire is very destructive and it can be difficult to clean up the soot and smoke damage afterward. Leave it to SERVPRO with our Dallas fire damage restoration and we’ll restore your floors, walls, and even textiles in your home.

Dallas Mold Remediation

Removing spores from your home is not easy and it’s a job best left to the Dallas mold remediation experts. SERVPRO’s staff will inspect your mold and use state-of-the-art technology to remove the mold from your property.

Ready to Restore Your Home? Call SERVPRO Today

Here at SERVPRO of Dallas Love, we know a thing or two about home restoration, and this is because we’ve been doing it for 35+ years.

When you’re ready to be in good hands, call us at (214) 272-7600 or fill out our online form.

Reduce the Risk of Losing Your Property to Fire Damage

11/19/2021 (Permalink)

Fire disaster inside of home Reduce the risk of losing your property to fire damage by taking preventative measures. Here's what our SERVPRO experts recommend.

Just about anything can cause a fire. In fact, according to the US Fire Administration, cooking alone proved to be the cause of 50.2% of fires in 2019. Because of how randomly fires can strike, it’s vital that you prepare yourself for any fire emergency. More so, it’s also crucial to know who to call when you need Dallas fire damage restoration.

SERVPRO of Dallas Love has been providing its fire damage restoration services for 35+ years. To learn more about how we can help you, continue reading. 

How We Help Restore Your Property

SERVPRO is always readily available, 24/7. After you contact us, we will immediately get to work assisting you. Upon arrival, we’ll inspect and assess all damage that occurred after the fire.

After inspection is complete and depending on the severity of the damage, we will board up missing windows and walls and place tarps on damaged roofs. This is to ensure security as well as protection against further damage.

If water is present after firefighters extinguish the fire, we will remove the water and dry your premises with dehumidifiers and air movers.

Soot and Smoke Removal

Smoke damage is no joke. It’s best to leave the restoration to the experts to prevent further damage from occurring from a DIY attempt. 

In our 35+ years of service, SERVPRO has provided Dallas fire damage restoration to many individuals. We’ve handled many surfaces and know how to properly remove soot from virtually any surface. 

If your floors, walls, ceiling, or even your textiles have suffered from smoke damage, you can count on us to restore them to their former beauty.

In Need of Dallas Fire Damage Restoration? You Can Count on SERVPRO

You can trust SERVPRO to provide the best fire damage restoration that you won’t get anywhere else. After we’re done, we feel confident that your property will look good as new.

Call us today at (214) 272-7600 or visit our contact page.

Get Expert Help for Your Fire Damage Restoration Now

11/19/2021 (Permalink)

Fire damaged kitchen and appliances Fire damage can be catastrophic to your home. Once all living beings are accounted for, reach out to SERVPRO of Dallas Love for fire restoration.

According to the US Fire Administration, from 2019 to 2020, there was a $14.8 billion increase in fire damage losses. While many variables could have caused this increase, it can be assumed the increase may have been due to a lack of immediate action. 

After a fire is out, you should always contact Dallas fire damage restoration services to help reduce losses. SERVPRO of Dallas Love is always ready to help and has been doing so for 35+ years.

Here’s why you should always contact us soon after a fire.

Benefits of Dallas Fire Damage Restoration Services

With fire damage restoration, you’ll receive many benefits as a result of our services. They include:


As mentioned above, there was a near $15 billion increase in fire damage losses from 2019 to 2020 alone. If you consider the possibility that this increase was likely due to delayed action on the part of property owners, then you can see why urgency is necessary to help you save money.

By hiring Dallas fire damage restoration services right away, you can counter the damage done to your property and save yourself more money in the long run.

Maintain Property Value

Your property is an investment. To ensure your investment is secured, you always need to treat it with the best care.

In the aftermath of a fire, despite the damages, you can secure your investment with fire damage restoration. With an expert’s touch, your home or business’ foundation will become strong again.

Restore Beauty

Your beautiful property can become ugly immediately after a fire, but its beauty can be restored with restoration services. When it comes to soot-covered walls, floors, ceilings, and even textiles, you can count on SERVPRO to make these parts of your property gorgeous once again.

Get Dallas Fire Damage Restoration Services from SERVPRO Today

If you want to reduce your costs, maintain property value, and restore your property’s look and appeal, call SERVPRO of Dallas Love right away after a fire.

Call us at (214) 272-7600 or fill out our online form.

When to Disconnect Your Garden Hoses in Winter

11/19/2021 (Permalink)

Outdoor garden hoses In Dallas, Texas, it's important to be prepared for winter freezing to prevent water damage to your home.

The average home’s water leaks contribute to more than 10,000 gallons of water wasted every year. A significant factor in this statistic is many homeowners will forget to disconnect their garden hoses during the winter season. 

Even if they don’t forget, it can be difficult to determine when hoses should be disconnected. But if you’re a homeowner who isn’t sure, don’t worry, SERVPRO has all the information you need to prepare you for winter. We can even provide you with the Dallas water damage restoration you need to get your property back to pristine condition. 

When Should You Disconnect Your Garden Hose?

The short answer — you should disconnect it right before the beginning of winter.

If you’re a homeowner, you likely have at least one outdoor spigot. And if you do, it’s crucial that you remove garden hoses from it right before winter starts. 

Frost-resistant spigots are designed to withstand cold temperatures. But even if you have that, you should still detach it before a cold front moves in.

Why Should You Disconnect Your Garden Hose?

If you don’t disconnect your garden hose before winter comes, you run the risk of having your pipes freeze, expand, and burst.

When water freezes, it expands. By leaving your hose attached to the spigot and filled with water, it will freeze and will take up close to 10% more space in your pipes. Eventually, your pipes will burst and your valves and joints will likely break as well.

What Should I Do if Water Damage has Already Occurred?

Water damage is no joke — it can cause damage to your structure and you probably won’t know your property is damaged until after winter when the ice melts.

The experts at SERVPRO have been providing Dallas water damage restoration for 35+ years. Through our services, we’re confident that we can help you.

Call us today at (214) 272-7600 or visit our contact page.

How Do Garage Fires Start and How to Prevent Them?

11/19/2021 (Permalink)

Fire caused by electrical circuits We hope a garage fire never happens to your home, but if it does, SERVPRO of Dallas Love is at the ready for any fire damage restoration needs.

Fire is perhaps the most destructive element that can damage any home. And when your garage is set ablaze, it’s only a matter of minutes before it’s severely damaged. 

Many factors can cause a fire in your garage, but there are common issues that homeowners should be aware of. Moreover, they should also be aware of how to prevent garage fires.

SERVPRO experts are highly knowledgeable about garage fire causes and prevention. We’ve been providing Dallas fire damage restoration for 35+ years. To learn more about how you can prevent garage fires, continue reading below.

What Causes Garage Fires?

Anything can cause a fire at any given moment. But for garages, specifically, there is one variable that is common: electrical malfunction.

Electrical malfunctions are the least leading causes of garage fires specifically. In fact, the US Fire Administration states that electrical malfunctions only account for about 6.8% of residential fires caused in 2019. But regardless of how common they are, they are still the number one cause for garage fires. Hence, you should be mindful of your electrical wiring and ensure that everything is up to code.

How Do You Prevent Garage Fires?

As mentioned above, electrical malfunctions are the leading cause of garage fires. So make sure there is no faulty wiring.

But besides inspecting your wiring, you should also:

  • Store your flammable items (oil, gas, etc.) in a separate area, such as a shed
  • Don’t store any items on top of electrical appliances in your garage. If you have a washer and dryer in your garage, don’t leave textiles on top of them
  • Don’t plug too many appliances into a single outlet in your garage
  • Clean your garage regularly, ensuring no dust remains lingering on its floors
  • Install a heat alarm instead of a smoke alarm in your garage

In Need of Dallas Fire Damage Restoration? Call SERVPRO Today

If a garage fire occurred in your home, don’t hesitate at all in contacting the professionals at SERVPRO of Dallas Love. Call us at (214) 272-7600 or visit our contact page to learn more about our Dallas fire damage restoration.

Get Back to Enjoying Your Home Quickly After Storm Damage

11/19/2021 (Permalink)

Outside view of beautiful restored home If your property has been damaged by a storm, pick up the phone and call the experts at SERVPRO of Dallas Love for cleanup and restoration services.

In addition to being a safe shelter from the elements, your home is also for occupants to enjoy leisure activities like reading, watching TV, and enjoying quality time with loved ones. But when a powerful storm hits your home, dealing with the aftermath is devastating. 

When a powerful storm damages your house, you can trust SERVPRO to provide our fast and reliable restoration services. Continue reading to learn how we can help you.

How SERVPRO Can Help

Since 1980, US citizens have witnessed 308 weather and climate disasters with damage costs exceeding $1 billion.

When you want to reduce your costs for home repairs and restoration, call us immediately after a storm has hit your house. We can provide you with the following services.

Dallas Mold Remediation

Storms allow water to seep into your home’s structures and provide the perfect setting for mold to develop. It’s often difficult to spot mold in your home early on, and before you know it, there are spores spreading rapidly throughout the house.

When mold is taking over your home, leave the problem in expert hands. SERVPRO can provide you with the Dallas mold remediation you need so you don’t have to worry about spores infecting your interiors.

Dallas Water Damage Restoration

Apart from mold, water itself is a very powerful force. During a storm, water can put tremendous pressure on your home’s roof and foundation. But if water is affecting your living space, you can trust us for our Dallas water damage restoration.

We’ll extract the water and after our work is done, we’ll ensure that your home is dry again.

SERVPRO is the Leading Provider of Restoration Services in Dallas

When you need help removing mold spores, you can count on SERVPRO for our Dallas mold remediation services. Likewise, you can also trust us to provide the best Dallas water damage restoration you won’t find anywhere else.

For any inquiries, you can call us at (214) 272-7600 or visit our contact page.

Are Your Sprinklers Causing Water Damage to Your Home?

11/19/2021 (Permalink)

Working water sprinklers in yard A broken sprinkler system can cost money, cause water damage and a ton of headaches. Reach out to SERVPRO of Dallas Love if you suspect issues.

Irrigation systems with a small leak have the potential to waste about 6,300 gallons of water per month. So, it’s important to know if your sprinklers are causing water damage to your home.

It’s a difficult area of your property to understand, and it’s just as equally difficult to know if your sprinklers are leaking. But don’t worry, SERVPRO houses a team of experts that can provide you with the information you need to understand your irrigation system and prevent water damage.

Here’s how. 

Faulty Sprinklers: Most Common Problems

There are many things that could cause sprinklers to malfunction and inflict water damage. The most common, however, include:

Improper Installation

When not installed correctly, your sprinklers can cause severe water damage both in and outside your home. If the pipes underneath your property weren’t installed as they should be, they can become loose and leak.

Burst Pipes

Because your home’s irrigation system is connected to your main water line, your pipes can likely burst open. And when damaged, the water within can flood your home.


Make sure your sprinkler heads are functioning properly. If they aren’t working as they should and your sprinklers go off, they can spray water onto your home.

How to Handle Water Damage from Faulty Sprinklers

Water damage is a devastating force to deal with. But it can be taken care of properly when you hire the experts at SERVPRO.

SERVPRO has been trusted for 35+ years to provide the Dallas water damage restoration individuals need. We’ll extract the water and ensure your home is dried properly.

We can also assist you with spores that have developed as a result of the water damage with our Dallas mold remediation services.

Tackle Mold and Water Damage with SERVPRO Today

You can count on SERVPRO to provide the best Dallas water damage restoration around. Likewise, you can also count on us for our Dallas mold remediation services as well.

For any inquiries, you can call us at (214) 272-7600 or visit our contact page.

PROFESSIONAL Drywall Removal in Dallas, TX

11/9/2021 (Permalink)

damaged drywall Our SERVPRO Dallas Love franchise offers high-quality and affordable drywall removal to help get your project started off right.

There are a lot of things that need to be done to get your commercial property for renovation or restoration. One of these is removing old drywall in Dallas, TX.

Give your renovation project some extra attention by hiring professional drywall removal. Our SERVPRO Dallas Love franchise offers high-quality and affordable drywall removal to help get your project started off right.

This blog explores how our staff may remove drywall in small sections or large building rooms:

Prepare for a Drywall Removal

Before removing drywall, it is essential to prepare the space. First, we make sure to cover the flooring with plastic. This will help reduce mess and protect your carpets from splatter caused by chipping away at existing drywall. Next, cover any nearby windows or light fixtures as well. This will help prevent debris from settling on these areas of the room. Lastly, remove anything that is hanging on walls or maybe damaged by drywall removal tools.

Turn off Power and Water

If there are any electrical outlets, cover them with tape, so someone doesn't accidentally turn them on while working in the room. Next, we need to drain down the plumbing in the room. If there is a nearby floor drain, it will be turned off; if not, we will use copper lines to shut them down.

Remove Drywall

After everything else has been covered up and removed from the room, we begin removing drywall. We first remove all of the fasteners that hold the drywall in place on the ceiling. Usually, there are screws or nails used for this purpose. Once these are removed, the drywall will be ready to be pried away from the wall studs.

Remove Plaster and Lath Boards

After all of the existing drywall has been removed, we then remove some parts of the wall by removing lath boards and plaster. Lath boards are thin boards that were used for insulation purposes. This is done by hammering a crowbar behind them and pulling them out. We may also need to use a chisel to remove plaster if it's particularly stubborn.

Repair Drywall Holes

After all of this preparation, some areas may need some patching before we can install new drywall. If there are any large holes we will need to use a metal patch and attach it with screws before applying the tape and mud.

Tape and Mud Drywall Holes

After the room has been patched, we begin filling in all areas where old drywall was removed. This will allow for a smooth surface to apply new drywall on later. If there are any smaller holes, they will need to be filled before applying the mesh tape.

Put Drywall Up

Once the holes are filled with mesh tape, we can start putting up new drywall to seal the room. We will first measure where the studs are located under the remaining lath boards or remove the plaster.

Texture the Drywall

After all of the new drywall has been put up, we will need to apply a texture coat to the entire surface of the walls and finish up the wall. Finally, we remove all the plastics and clear up the building space.

Trust SERVPRO of Dallas Love to handle your drywall removal and Dallas Water Damage Restoration needs. Call (214) 272-7600 for more information on our services or how we can assist you with all of your renovation project needs.

Why Hire SERVPRO Before Selling Your House

11/9/2021 (Permalink)

house for sale SERVPRO of Dallas Love helps homeowners like you make any needed repairs that are actually an investment in your house.

Selling a home is an exciting and often busy process. If you're like most homeowners, there are probably a million things running through your mind at the same time. One of these thoughts might be: "I don't want to spend money on repairs that may not add value to my house."

While this is understandable, it usually is not the best strategy. Because SERVPRO of Dallas Love helps homeowners like you make any needed repairs that are actually an investment in your house - one that will protect your financial investment and help you sell your home for top dollar.

What Can SERVPRO Do for You?

  1. Our highly trained team will inspect your home for any restoration or renovation needs. That means removing wallpaper, repairing water damage from a burst pipe in the bathroom or the kitchen, cleaning the ceiling, and even replacing sheetrock in walls and ceilings.
  2. We’ll provide you with an estimate of all repair, restoration, renovation, and replacement services needed. This estimate will include an itemized list for your review, along with cost estimates based on industry standards to help you make an informed decision.
  3. Our experienced team will work closely with your real estate agent to help reduce stress during this busy time in your life.
  4. Get your investment back into top shape. Take a look at our Before and After Photos in our photo gallery or request help on our website to see just how much can be done to help you sell your home.
  5. Once we’ve finished all the necessary repairs and renovations, our team will be available for your final walk-through to ensure your satisfaction.

SERVPRO of Dallas Love is ready to help you get the job done right and show you why we believe in a 100% satisfaction guarantee.

Call us today at (214) 272-7600 for all your home restoration services and Dallas Mold Remediation throughout the Dallas area!

Storing Items After Water Damage

11/9/2021 (Permalink)

storing items in garage If you have a lot of items that need restoration, the clean-up experts at SERVPRO will help.

If a water damage event has occurred, you may need to save some items. Think carefully on the following:

  1. Is there a possibility that the items will be able to dry out on their own?
  2. How long would it take for the water damage to subside?
  3. Is there a chance of mold growth?
  4. How much time do you have before you need the items again?
  5. How will you treat the items?

If it is just excess moisture that has seeped into carpets or other surfaces, then move them to an area where you can allow it to dry out. You should also make sure that they are not touching each other or any other surface, as it can cause them to stay wet.

If the water damage event was significant, then you will want to follow the appropriate drying process. The professionals at SERVPRO Dallas Love can help.

1. Prioritize your valuables

This means that you should remove the items from the water damage as quickly as possible unless it is a computer. The longer an item sits in the water, the greater the chance of needing to replace it.

2. Tag your valuables

This will help you keep track of where they are in the drying process.

3. Call SERVPRO for water removal and drying

The experts at SERVPRO will remove the water from your house, and when all the moisture is gone, you can request that they assist in tagging your items. This means that they will tag the items so that it is clear to you and your insurance company what was damaged and what wasn't. This allows them to move on to the next step in the process, the actual restoration.

4. Check for mold and mildew growth

Depending on how long an item is exposed, there could be mold growing on its surface already. SERVPRO can help you identify if there is any mold and treat it to prevent further growth.

5. Restore your items

If you have a lot of items that need restoration, the clean-up experts at SERVPRO will help. We can get your home back to normal and your life sensible again.

Contact Dallas Water Damage Restoration & Repair at (214) 272-7600 for water damage restoration and emergency water removal helping you to restore your items.

Selling Your House After Fire Damage: Tips for Making It Quick and Easy

11/9/2021 (Permalink)

house for sale Our technicians can address all types of water damage, including standing water, drywall water damage, and smoke odor removal.

When a fire has ravaged your home, you may be tempted to give up on it. While you might not want to sell it right away, at least until the repairs are made and the smoke odors in the house dissipate, if you wait too long, you could miss out on opportunities for buyers or even offers.

There are ways to cut through some of these problems so that you can get your property back in order and put it up for sale faster.

Get your house ready for the market as quickly as possible with SERVPRO's help.

Smoke damage clean up

Our technicians are trained in removing smoke damage. We will help you remove not only the smoke odor but also soot, stain, and smoke residue so that your home can be back in its pristine condition.

Fire and water damage restoration

Some areas can be left untouched by flames or smoke during a fire, while other rooms are devastated. Water damage can occur when the fire department sprays water in to put out the flames or when firefighters attempt to save your property by manually dousing the fire. Our technicians can address all types of water damage, including standing water, drywall water damage, and smoke odor removal.

Structural drying

One of the most critical steps to take after a fire is to remove the excess moisture from your property. This will speed up the restoration process and help prevent future problems such as mold.

Deodorization and sanitizing

No matter the damage, SERVPRO of Dallas can remove odors and sanitize any property. Our deodorization and sanitizers can remove smoke and fire residue that makes your property less desirable to future buyers.

Air duct and ventilation cleaning

The lingering smoke smell in the air and vents is one of the most challenging things to deal with. Our technicians can remove smoke and fire residue from your air ducts and ventilation system so that your house is back to its original condition.

Carpet cleaning

When you can't replace the carpet, our technicians can provide fast and effective carpet cleaning.

Contents cleaning

In addition to all types of property damage, you will want your personal items cleaned and sanitized. Our technicians can clean upholstery, clothing, bedding, curtains, and other things that are affected.

Hard floor restoration

If you have tile or hardwood floors, SERVPRO of Dallas can clean and restore them.

Disposal of damaged goods and debris

If you can't clean up the damage, we can help. Our technicians know how to remove damaged building materials, appliances, and furniture so that your house is left clean. Once the work has been done, we can dispose of everything to leave your property in its original condition.

We are IICRC-certified

All our technicians are IICRC-certified which means that they are trained in the latest techniques. This, along with our high level of certifications and accreditations, makes us the top choice when it comes to restoring your property after a fire.

If you need help with selling your house after fire damage, don't hesitate to contact us at : (214) 272-7600 SERVPRO Dallas Fire Damage Restoration. We will follow up with you through each step of the process until we have restored your property back to its original condition.

Bring Your Marble Floors Back to Life With SERVPRO

11/9/2021 (Permalink)

marble floors in bathroom If you would like to have your marble floors cleaned or restored, call us today.

Marble floors are beautiful to look at and feel under your feet. Not only that, but they can last for many years if cared for properly. That's why it's vital to know how to care for marble flooring--especially in high traffic areas like entryways, hallways, kitchens, and bathrooms.

To learn more about how we can help, go ahead give us a call. At SERVPRO Dallas Love, We're always happy to answer any questions that come our way.

Cleaning Marble Floors

Marble flooring requires special attention. The natural oils produced by your body or products you use can easily be transferred to marble floors, causing dullness or spots that will show dirt.

Can water damage marble floors?

Yes. Local water contains minerals like calcium, chlorine, salts, and magnesium dissolved in the water. When these minerals contact marble, they can cause yellowing or white streaking depending on which stains already exist on the floor. With our Dallas Water Damage Restoration service, we can help you with that.

What are other causes of marble damage?

Water isn't the only culprit when it comes to harming your marble floors. Acidic substances like wine, juice, coffee and soda can damage marble over time.

Do not clean marble flooring in the home with anything other than neutral pH cleaners. Never use acidic, basic, or abrasive products on marble--even if they are labeled non-abrasive. Over time, these liquids will eat away at your marble's protective seal and lead to discoloration or watermarks.

What about smoke and water damage to marble fireplaces?

Marble is porous so that that smoke damage can penetrate the surface layers of marble quickly. Regularly removing soot or smoky odors from your fireplace makes it easier for you to remove scum lines and stains caused by the smoke in the future.

If you have a marble fireplace, consider having it cleaned professionally at least once a year to help remove any built-up dirt, soot, or grime. This will also help to prevent the formation of unsightly stains from damaging your fireplace's aesthetics.

Can marble flooring be restored?

Yes, in most cases, marble flooring can be restored to its original luster. But it's important to act quickly because once marble floors have been damaged, they cannot be repaired and will need to be replaced.

If you would like to have your marble floors cleaned or restored, call us today. We also undertake Dallas Mold Remediation and are standing by waiting to hear from you. Call (214) 272-7600 today!

Common Sources of Water Damage in Dallas Homes

10/11/2021 (Permalink)

Leaking Pipe You can count on SERVPRO as a leading service provider for residential and commercial buildings.

Water damage is a significant issue that can harm your home’s structure, cause rot, and mess up the paint job. And if it results in flooding, your family’s health may be affected because standing water can cause the spread of infectious diseases and injuries, according to the CDC

Let’s explore the two common causes of water damage and how SERVPRO can help you confront them.

Damaged Pipes

Damaged pipes are one of the significant causes of water damage in homes. You can tell your pipes need repairing if there are evident cracks or bulges in the plumbing. 

Moisture on the ceiling or floors is another sign that your pipes need an upgrade. Moreover, if your water bill is higher than usual, it may indicate a leak within the lines.  

If you observe any of these signs, contact SERVPRO right away. Our emergency services will make sure your pipes are repaired before causing any additional damage. 

Natural Disasters  

Natural disasters, such as heavy rainfall, snowstorms, or hurricanes, are another primary source of water damage in homes. SERVPRO’s emergency services can get rid of the floodwater collected in your home, and our experts can also apply damage restoration techniques to ensure no moisture is left behind.

Water Damage Solutions With SERVPRO Dallas Love

If you want a quick and dependable fix to water damage in your home, contact SERVPRO now.

Let us help save your Dallas home from water damage and take preventative measures to avoid this problem. You can count on SERVPRO as a leading service provider for residential and commercial buildings. We ensure your complete peace of mind as well as the safety of your property.

Call Dallas Love SERVPRO at (214) 272-7600, and our teams will get there asap.

Our Smoke and Odor Removal Services for Dallas Homes

10/11/2021 (Permalink)

Kitchen Stove on Fire You can count on SERVPRO to help you with our advanced resources and inspection of the home to uncover the primary cause of smoke and odor.

Odor and smoke aren’t just annoying. They can also put your guests and customers off, and that’s bad for your reputation. 

It’s essential to get rid of the offending scent at the molecular level. Exposure to strong odors and smoke can cause health effects. The first step to fixing this situation is to identify the source of the smell. 

It may be a good idea to hire odor removal specialists from SERVPRO to do this critical job for you. We’ll quickly pinpoint the cause of the odor and strike it at the root, so your home or office doesn’t stink anymore. We’ll also thoroughly clean the other areas where the scent may be trapped. 

Take a look at our smoke and odor removal process.

Remove Damaged Items

For smoke removal, SERVPRO teams first do away with all items that have suffered smoke damage. This step helps us ensure the smoke and stench don’t linger after completing the odor removal process. 

Clean All Surfaces

SERVPRO’s teams inspect every nook and cranny of the home to ensure that all surfaces are thoroughly cleaned. Our trained experts take the time to clean surfaces and their contents so no residual scent is left behind.

Use Quality Odor Removal Products

SERVPRO uses experienced teams and advanced materials and products that get inside the very fabric of your home goods and surfaces. Once everything is thoroughly scrubbed and washed, the experts run their top-notch odor removal equipment to eliminate the scent completely. 

Seal Surfaces 

Next, our team seals all of the porous surfaces that may have absorbed the smell. This way, your home becomes an odor-free space.  

Benefit From Our Services in Dallas 

Get rid of distressing scents and smoke in your Dallas home and office.

You can count on SERVPRO to help you with our advanced resources and inspection of the home to uncover the primary cause of smoke and odor. Next, our technicians take measures to get rid of the scent from all surfaces, leaving you with a home that smells and looks clean.

You can contact SERVPRO to get the job done right. Call our Dallas Love franchise at (214) 272-7600 for effective odor removal asap. 

Top 2 Ways to Prepare for the Dallas Storm Season

10/11/2021 (Permalink)

Stormy Skies SERVPRO provides a complete suite of restoration services to return your home to its original state.

Texas is one of 11 states that often get hit with tornadoes and other kinds of inclement weather. Residents here face an average of 5.7 tornadoes per year. If you live in Dallas, Texas, it is important to learn how to prepare for a tornado or a storm. 

In addition to protecting yourself, you also need to prepare your home for the stormy season. You can communicate with SERVPRO’s Dallas Love franchise and get your house storm-proofed. SERVPRO is a leading provider of residential restoration services

So, let’s take a look at how you can prepare your property for the storm season in Dallas, Texas.  

Pre-Storm Preparation: Roof Restoration 

Getting your roof repaired before the storm hits can save you a lot of money and stress in the long run. You can contact SERVPRO’s teams in Dallas Love to provide you with sturdy and robust roofing solutions. 

SERVPRO will make sure your upgraded roof is durable, hail-resistant, and impact-resistant. Getting your roof fixed before the storm can save the cost of water damage in the future. 

If you want to take protection to another level, ask SERVPRO’s team about emergency board-up techniques. Our experts use an approved boarding application to protect your property from harsh weather.

Post-Storm Preparation and Home Restoration

If your home has flooded, reach out to SERVPRO’s Dallas Love team for post-storm clean up. SERVPRO’s team of professionals will drain the water, clean your home, and take care of your belongings. 

The service can also help with sewage cleaning, carpet cleaning, mold remediation, and odor removal. SERVPRO provides a complete suite of restoration services to return your home to its original state. 

Prepare for Storm Season in Dallas. Call Us Today!

The storm season is close. Call SERVPRO’s Dallas Love emergency services at (214) 272-7600, and make sure your home or office building stays safe from the ravages of bad weather.

Professional Dallas Warehouse Cleaning and Restoration Services

10/11/2021 (Permalink)

Large Interior Warehouse Building An unclean and unsafe workplace is not only dangerous, but it can also be costly for your business in the long run.

Water damage in a warehouse can have disastrous effects. For starters, warehouses typically have a fast-paced environment. So any damage can cause delays and disrupt operations. 

Additionally, if the building is not updated, it can pose a health and safety hazard for the workers. And since the number of employees in warehousing is increasing exponentially, the onus falls on the employers to ensure worker safety while on the job.

It’s essential to keep your warehouse clean and up to code. SERVPRO has a team of professionals who specialize in warehouse cleaning and restoration services in Dallas. Here are a few reasons why you can count on us. 

Minimum Disruptions in Operations

SERVPRO is the leading warehouse cleaning and restoration service in Dallas. We’ve been operating for decades and have 1700 franchises all over the country. Thanks to our extensive experience, the teams at SERVPRO can perform a reliable, fast, professional restoration job. Our team will flawlessly carry out the cleaning and restoration processes without causing major delays in warehouse operations. 

Comprehensive Cleaning and Restoration 

Since we’ve been in the restoration business for many years, we’ve been able to expand the list of services we offer. Our professionals will take care of your every need, including sanitizing the space, fixing water and fire damage, and eliminating foul or smoky odors. 

Emergency Services Available 24/7

SERVPRO prides itself on being a readily available company. If you have an emergency at your warehouse, you can call SERVPRO and get it fixed asap. SERVPRO’s teams arrive on time and professionally fix and restore damage promptly, helping you to avoid additional issues that can prove costly to your business operations. 

Ready to Get Your Warehouse Cleaned and Restored in Dallas?

An unclean and unsafe workplace is not only dangerous, but it can also be costly for your business in the long run. So, take preventive measures, and contact the leading warehouse cleaning and restoration service in Dallas. Call SERVPRO Dallas Love at (214) 272-7600 for immediate assistance.  

Why SERVPRO Dallas Love is the Top Mold Remediation Company in Dallas

10/11/2021 (Permalink)

Mold in Kitchen Corner Mold infestation is a health hazard for your employees and guests alike.

Mold in a commercial or residential building is not only an inconvenience (at best) but it’s also a real health hazard. That’s why it’s crucial not to let the infestation get out of control.

According to the Department of Health, people who have prolonged exposure to moisture are more likely to suffer from mold-related health effects. 

Our professionals can manage, contain, and eliminate mold from any structure. So, if you have a mold problem in your commercial building, contact SERVPRO Dallas Love immediately.

But, first, let’s take a look at all the reasons why SERVPRO is the leading mold remediation service in Dallas. 

Seasoned Teams 

Fixing and preventing mold issues is a complex undertaking and requires professional assistance. SERVPRO Dallas Love has trained and experienced specialists on the payroll who can remove mold safely and strategically. 

Safe Procedures 

Mold quickly spreads to other parts of the building when it’s left untreated. This is why the SERVPRO teams take measures to control and contain the spread before removing the colony. Once the infestation is under control, our experts use the combination of their advanced skills and equipment to remove the mold from your commercial building safely. 

Professional Certifications 

The team at SERVPRO Dallas Love has acquired the necessary certifications from renowned institutions. You can count on their expertise in microbial remediation, water or fire damage restoration, structural drying, odor control, and furniture and upholstery cleaning. Call today to take advantage of all services with one dependable provider.

Ready to Recover From Your Mold Problem? Call Us Today!

Mold infestation is a health hazard for your employees and guests alike. Protect the health of your employees by calling the leading mold remediation service in Dallas. 

Call at (214) 272-7600 to schedule a consultation or get emergency services; we will be there as soon as possible!

Factors to Consider in a Water Damage Restoration and Repair Company

10/5/2021 (Permalink)

water damage in ceiling Our detail-oriented, compassionate staff members gladly answer your questions, providing you a clear plan for reliable, fast repairs.

Dealing with water damage and repair in a business or a home can be frustrating and confusing — the water damage restoration and repair process can be overwhelming for anyone.

Water damage comes in several forms and shapes, from minor leaks to extreme flooding. While all these problems can be remediated, understanding the source of water damage is critical. It is also imperative to know the different methods to fix the problem and use the right one. 

At SERVPRO Dallas Love, we’re faster to any size disaster. Contact us 24/7 for immediate assistance at (214) 272-7600.

Our water damage restoration and repair company in Dallas Love will get your home or commercial property back to a pristine and safe condition. Here’s how we make it happen and the important factors you should consider when working with a water damage and restoration company in Dallas. 

Respond Instantly When Calamity Strikes

Since water damage gets worse the longer it is left unaddressed, it is crucial to select a water remediation company to repair the damage fast. 

The following factors should affect your decision to work with them:

  • Is the company reactive to calls 24/7?
  • How quickly can they start the repair and clean-up process? 
  • Do they offer emergency water damage and restoration services, making sure you’ll have quick help whenever required?

Employs Insured, Licensed, and Well-Trained Teams

When looking for reliable water damage restoration and repair services, make sure they have skilled and bonded technicians, preferably with plenty of in-house training as well. 

Additionally, consider the team’s expertise and make sure they don’t shy away from questions about how long they have been in this business, what level of experience and training the restoration staff have, and if they’re accredited through a credible certification program.

Has Reputable Local Connections

After weather-related disasters, homeowners find themselves inundated with calls from fly by night repair services. Look for dependable water damage restoration and repair experts with excellent references and connections from local customers like your neighbors and friends so you don’t get taken for a ride. 

In addition, consider the firm’s location because locally operated and owned companies will more likely offer reliable and thorough repairs.

Provides a Detailed Plan for Repairs 

After a water disaster, getting your property back into shape requires water-related repairs, mold removal, and mitigation services. 

A reliable, experienced water damage restoration company should be able to offer accurate and complete services along with the assessment of the full amount of damage to your property. Then, they suggest the repairs required to be made and transparent estimated costs so you’ll be better informed to make the right decisions on how you should proceed.

Wrapping Up

A trusted service like SERVPRO in Dallas Love has experienced water damage restoration and repair teams who stand by 24/7 to address your concerns and respond to your calls. We offer peace-of-mind for residential and commercial properties, giving you a tailored damage remediation plan. 

Our detail-oriented, compassionate staff members gladly answer your questions, providing you a clear plan for reliable, fast repairs.

Contact us at (214) 272-7600 for more information about our Water Damage Restoration Services you can count on every single time.

Fire Damage Restoration: What You Need to Know

10/5/2021 (Permalink)

house on fire SERVPRO is a fire damage restoration company in Dallas, TX, with first-rate quality.

A fire in a business facility or a residential space is a complete nightmare to deal with as the damage is hugely disruptive and damaging. You might feel relieved when the fire is put out and everybody is safe. However, the damage is only the starting.  

Fires generate corrosive byproducts once they burn artificial materials, and these derivatives, with smoke and soot, cause substantial damage to furnishings and surfaces.  This destruction often extends into areas that the fire didn’t even reach.

This is why you should start the fire damage restoration process the moment the fire department unblocks your property. Call SERVPRO Dallas Love 24/7 for a free consultation at (214) 272-7600.

Fire Damage Restoration Process: A Quick Overview

Fire damage restoration is the process in which a building damaged from smoke, fire, and corrosive byproducts is remediated and repaired.  This process includes eliminating corrosion from furnishings and surfaces caused by soot or other byproducts and removing smoke odors at a molecular level. 

It is an intricate process that includes the following steps:

Scrutinizing the Damage

Fire damage restoration experts begin by thoroughly inspecting the property to assess the full extent of the damage caused by smoke, soot, and fire.  They also search for any water damage that often occurs from extinguishing the fire. Once the professionals fully gauge the damage, they start the restoration process.

Property Stabilization

Fire causes considerable damage to the roof and structural core, leaving it vulnerable to further damage from vandalism and the elements. Fire damage restoration technicians can effectively help you secure your home with board-up and roof tarping services to make sure it’s protected in the restoration process.

Content Removal and Cleaning

Things that have been irreparably damaged, such as appliances, personal belongings, and furniture, etc., will be discarded. The experts can help you determine if a specific object can be saved or not or if it’s been damaged beyond reparation. Any items you can easily save are packed and taken to an off-site facility to be carefully restored and cleaned.


Once the technicians secure the property, fire damage cleanup experts remove standing water and restore any resulting loss. Then, they dry the impacted areas using dehumidification and drying equipment to prevent mold growth and other problems.

Wrapping Up

SERVPRO is a fire damage restoration company in Dallas, TX, with first-rate quality. You can depend on our seasoned professionals to give your space restoration services in case of fire. 

Contact our franchise, Dallas Love, by filling our form or get in touch with us at (214) 272-7600 for efficient fire repair services.

What’s Included in Our Storm Damage Restoration Services?

10/5/2021 (Permalink)

flooded house SERVPRO of Dallas Love offers 24-hour emergency services through highly-trained technicians who’re always ready to respond to an emergency.

Inclement weather, powerful winds and storms, can cause severe damage to your house or commercial property. For example, it might loosen the shingles of your roof or wreck your floor with extreme flooding. Such situations can turn your life upside down. 

That's why it is imperative that you look for a reliable storm damage restoration service to rescue your house from the aftermath of the disaster.  

SERVPRO of Dallas Love offers 24-hour emergency services through highly-trained technicians who’re always ready to respond to an emergency. With our expertise in damage control, restoration, and cleaning, we can fix a disaster of any size for houses, industries, and businesses.  

Our technicians are highly trained in Storm Damage Restoration Services in Dallas, which includes: 

Roof Repairs and Restoration

The storm can leave your roof significantly damaged. Our highly trained professionals use advanced training and specialized equipment to restore your Dallas property roof to its pre-storm condition effectively. 

We know the importance of emergency repairs and restoration, so we provide immediate service to prevent secondary damage. 

Our service includes: 

  • Checking for missing shingles
  • Creating a proper storm damage restoration plan
  • Providing a temporary fix to stop rain from coming in 
  • Proceeding to comprehensive roof repairs 

Water Damage Repair and Restoration

Water damage can happen in many shapes and forms. For example, your roof might leak due to damaged shingles, broken pipelines, flooding, and other similar problems. 

Our water damage experts know exactly how to return your property to its normal state quickly. 

At SERVPRO, we offer our clients customized water removal and drying plans because it requires a unique approach to handle every job.

 We provide services for: 

  • Water Removal
  • Cleanup and Move-Out
  • Drying
  • Reconstruction

Carpet and Floor Cleaning

Flood water can flow into the house and get trapped in and under carpets and the subfloor. Trapped moisture can heavily damage your flooring, whether it's a carpet or vinyl. The condition can worsen if it is black water or greywater, resulting in a sickening odor in the house. You’ll need to remove it immediately so the smell doesn’t permeate everything you own and cause severe health effects. 

Our professional cleaning also addresses these issues and we’ll thoroughly clean the flooring asap.  

Call Us to Recover from Storm Damage Quickly

If you’re a resident in Dallas and need Storm Damage Restoration Services, SERVPRO is ready to help, anytime, day or night.

Give us a call at our Dallas Love franchise's phone number (214) 272-7600 for immediate assistance. 

Commercial Cleaning and Restoration for Dallas Businesses

10/5/2021 (Permalink)

dirty ceiling fan SERVPRO is a trusted name in the fire and water restoration industry. We have highly trained fire and water damage restoration specialists.

Life can be messy sometimes, but we’re here to clean the mess for you. SERVPRO is a nationally recognized leader in cleaning and restoration services with 1700 franchises all over the USA and Canada. We provide Commercial Cleaning Services (and much more) for Dallas businesses. 

Whether the damages are from violent weather, natural disasters, fires, broken pipes, we have it all covered. You don't have to be embarrassed or worried about the stains, dirt, damages, and dents. 

Call us 24/7 for immediate help at (214) 272-7600.

Our trained and experienced professionals are always ready to help Dallas businesses no matter what time or place. We care and have the tools to make your business premises good as new again. 

Here’s what you can expect from us:

A Trained Disaster Recovery Team

Disasters can catch you off guard, and you never know the extent of damage they will do to your Dallas business building. But no matter what happens, you can't go out of business, so you will need immediate repairs to recover from the damage. 

Whether it's a hurricane or other disaster that’s damaged your property, our system has a network of strategically positioned disaster recovery teams throughout Texas who can reach you promptly and repair any damage. 

Commercial Water Damage Restoration

Flooding and water damage can happen at any time of the year, and it won't wait for a convenient hour. If your commercial building sustains any water damage, it can take days to clean up on your own, and every minute you could be losing significant revenue. 

This is why we are available 24 hours to provide you with the services you need fast so you can get operations going again. 

Commercial Fire Damage Restoration

Besides the fire and smoke damage, your building may even sustain water damage after the fire because of firefighting efforts. SERVPRO is a trusted name in the fire and water restoration industry. We have highly trained fire and water damage restoration specialists who can respond promptly to mitigate the damage. 

Commercial Mold Remediation

If your property is left wet from a flood or fire fighting efforts, mold can spread quickly throughout the building. Our professionals will work quickly to dry the building and stop mold spread.

Book Us for Commercial Cleaning and Restoration Services Today

If you’re looking for a service to restore your Dallas business commercial building fast, contact us at our franchise's phone number (214) 272-7600 today. 

We are SERVPRO Dallas Love

10/5/2021 (Permalink)

dallas love skyline At SERVPRO, our certified professionals are always ready to serve you in your hour of need.

SERVPRO has been in the clean-up and restoration business for over 40 years. With franchises all over the US, we’ve helped countless home and business owners repair and protect their properties from damage.

And now we are here to serve Dallas. If you live in Dallas or any surrounding community, leave all your damage repair, cleaning, and restoration worries to us. 

Whether the flooring of your home has been destroyed by a flood, sustained damage from a wildfire, or is infested with mold, you can turn to SERVPRO Dallas Love for reliable services. 

Recovering from disaster damage can be stressful. So we’re committed to giving you the peace of mind you need to get through this exhausting process. 

You can call us at (214) 272-7600 for:

Water Damage Repairs

Water damage can cause severe destruction, which further leads to secondary damage like mold and mildew issues. Here at SERVPRO, we provide immediate Water Damage Restoration Services. Whether you have a leaking faucet, broken water heaters, or flooding, we can help restore your property to its original form. 

The excess water in your home can lead to expensive repairs and health effects because of the electrical hazards. This is why SERVPRO Dallas Love provides an emergency service to prevent escalation of water damage. 

Mold Remediation and Removal

Even a small water leak can leave the walls, home’s structure, and furnishings damp, causing mold to grow. It can take as little as two days for the mold to start spreading throughout your house. 

This is why our highly trained technicians use specialized equipment to provide immediate mold remediation and mold removal. In addition, we’re available 24-hours to offer emergency services to ensure a fast recovery. 

Fire Damage Repair

Regardless of how widespread the fire damage is, you can count on us to restore your property efficiently with our full suite of Fire Damage Restoration Services

SERVPRO professionals have the personnel and equipment to fix fire damage. We’ll quickly restore your property to a pristine and safe condition.  

Need Our Services? Call Us Today

At SERVPRO, our certified professionals are always ready to serve you in your hour of need. Our Dallas Love franchise provides service to our clients in the DFW area too. Call our franchise number (214) 272-7600 and book us today.


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